September 5, 2014

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 09/05/2014

Linda opended the meeting at 10:55 in French Lick. Adam McQueen, our new District 4 Representative was present.


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Ryan Hull, Vice President
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Jim Taylor, District 1 Rep
  • Jesse Carlton, District 3 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report Cherie asked if everyone had an opportunity to read the August Secretary's Report. Brian motioned to accept the report. Ryan seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.

Treasurer's Report Christine had provided the Board the Treasurer's Report by email. Brian stated as of 8/29/14 POPAI had $53,403.12 in checking and as of 8/29/14 POPAI had $17,030.01 in savings. Jessie motioned to accept the report. Cherie seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.

Membership Linda stated POPAI has 904 total individual members, 849 which are probation officers,  and 28 corporate members.

Education Susan stated there were 257 officers in attendance at the Fall POPAI Conference and 27 vendors. She is still waiting on potential dates from IJC for the new CPO Training. She gave potential dates for the 2015 POPAI Management Institute. One option is in February and the second is in April 16th and 17th.  A discussion followed. It was decided that Susan will email the CPOs and request a quick survey to see which date would be better. She will also ask about potential locations for the 2015 fall conference. A discussion followed regarding the 2016 fall conference and it was decided that Susan can start looking into dates at French Lick for 2016. She will have the 2014 Conference Report to the Board at the October meeting. Greg facilitated a CPO session and will have suggstions for future meetings.

Chief's Executive Committee No report.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Next JDAI meeting: November 14, 2014.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Troy stated the IJC PO regional meeting will be on 12/16 in Indianapolis.

Election Adam McQueen is the new District 4 Representative. A discussion followed regarding a distribution list for those members in a specific district. The Board does have the ability to provide that type of list if needed.

Awards and Recognition Jimmy stated he heard great feedback regarding the awards that were given at the conference.

Legislation Linda will serve on the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code. The meetings are scheduled for: 9-15, 9-22, and 10-6. She stated there is still confusion regarding Home Detention and "good time" credit. Linda has asked IJC to send more information regarding this topic and discuss at the Judicial Conference next week. Linda will update POPAI on the website as she has more information.

Technology Ryan discussed the discussion area for members only and stated all those on the POPAI Board will automatically have access. The proposed POPAI By Laws did pass. Troy will send that information to Linda for it to be put on the website. The POPAI gear sold well. Susan has talked to Karen about having an online store on the website to purchase the gear. She will also talk to Karen regarding the articles that we still have left from the conference. Ryan stated we do now have a digital copy of the POPAI Logo.

Old Business Ryan attended in person and Linda by telephone a recent meeting on 8/28 with Barnes and Thornburg law firm that is representing the Association of Indiana Commissioners. This meeting was with various criminal justice stakeholders. POPAI was invited. The need for increased local resources for HEA 1006 implementation was discussed. Once the minutes of this meeting are sent to Linda she will post on the website.

New Business We discussed potential committees for 2015.

Next Meeting The next meeting will be an in person meeting at the Marion County South Office on Wednesday, 10/8 at 10:30. Cherie motioned to adjourn and Susan seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.