July 13, 2016

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 07/13/2016



  • Adam McQueen, Vice President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Mignon Ware, Secretary
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the Executive Board meeting minutes from June.    Cherie makes a motion to accept the Secretary’s report.  Joe seconds.  All in favor.  Motion carries

Treasurer's Report Christine reports that as of June 30, 2016 the amount in the checking account is $67,209.49 and the amount in the savings account is $17,036.48. We are on target with the 2016 budget.  Joe motions to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Troy seconds.  All in favor.  Motion carries

Technology Karen is requesting permission for $19.00 for 1 year POPAI Domain name – to match with hosting and then bundle both. The Technology Committee will advise her that the Board approved. The website and membership database are working well for us. Job postings and articles are drawing most of the traffic.

Membership Susan received some membership payments since the last Board meeting.  Scholarship information was emailed out to the membership.  Departments are connecting with Susan to check their dues status.  Discussion.   As of July 1, 2016 POPAI has 930 total current members; (842 Probation Officers; 34 Corporate).

Education The Education Committee met prior to the Board meeting today.  Approximately 80 registrants already for the Fall Conference.  Scholarship information was emailed to the membership today.  Vendors are showing interest in sponsoring events and/or door prizes this year. The T-shirt contest information will be emailed out and posted to the website later this week.  The winning design will be given away to all conference registrants.  The winning designer will receive a free conference registration in 2017. Cherie, Joe, and Lakisha make a request from the Board for assistance with hotel costs for the Fall Conference.  Discussion.  Christine makes a motion to approve the request from the Board members for hotel assistance, registration, or both for the 2016 Fall Conference.  Troy seconds.  Discussion.   All in favor.  Motion carries. The CPO roundtable session is set. IJC will be present at the table.  DOC partners (Deb Braun, Shannon Bowling) will also be in attendance.  Topic suggested for discussion with Deb Braun – Mark Carey is partnering with DOC on the audit process / check list expectations.  What does that look like? Susan also reached out to DMHA, Sara Cozad, regarding a Recovery Works breakout session. New Corporate member Alkermes (manufacturer of Vivitrol) are sponsoring an educational dinner on Thursday September 8 at West Baden, by invitation only, for Chief POs and Probation leaders. Susan is working on the 2017 CPO Training/Management Institute/CPO Summit for April 2017.  The PO Annual meeting is still being planned for 2017.

Chief's Executive Committee No report

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update No report.  Adam advises that 32 JDAI counties.  Upcoming training set for grant management on August 10, 2016.  The next committee meeting is scheduled for August 12.  Kory will be traveling with the State Team to New, Orleans – falls on the same week as the POPAI Conference.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update No report. Troy advises that the August session for new hires is full. Next sessions are scheduled for October and December.

Election The intent to run forms were posted and received. One contested race – President. No intent to run forms were received from District 6 (Clay, Owen, Sullivan, Greene, White, Benton, Warren, Fountain, Tippecanoe, Montgomery, Parke, Vermillion, Vigo, and Putnam counties). Discussion. Absentee ballots will be sent out in accordance with the bylaws prior to the election. Members must request the absentee ballot by August 17, 2016 and returned by September 1, 2016 to the Chair of the Election Committee. The slate must be provided to the membership at least 30 days prior to the Fall Conference. Adam will connect with the Election Chairperson prior to posting the slate on the website.

Awards and Recognition No report. Troy suggested that should the submitted number of scholarship applications exceed 20, then the Awards and Rec committee be review the applications for selection. August 22, 2016 is the deadline for the PO of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and Founder’s Award nominations.

Legislation Adam reports that the JRAC Legislative Committee is recommending some changes for the 2017 session. Linda sent Draft Legislation to the POPAI Board for input. Level 6 Felon wording will restrict Level 6 Felons going to DOC (if approved). Brief discussion of calculation of credit time for individuals on pretrial release pending disposition of a new crime. Serve 4 days and get 1 day credit. The next JRAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 2016 10:00am – 2:00pm and is open to the public. Linda, Adam, and Christine will attend. Marion and Vanderburgh County Community Corrections gave presentations at the last meeting. The Marion County plan was approved, while the Vanderburgh County plan was tentatively approved with submission of additional paperwork.

Old Business Indiana Pretrial Release Project/EBDM Pretrial Work Group - A meeting was held in Indianapolis at the Statehouse on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9:00am – 3:00pm to identify areas of pretrial change The meeting focused on the use of the logic model to identify change targets for pretrial. Indiana EBDM Initiative – The Risk Reduction Strategies Committee met 9:00am-3:00pm Friday June 17, 2016 at IJC. Meetings are open. Indiana’s current technical assistance grant from NIC ended in June. Indiana is applying for a Phase VI EBDM grant. There is no progress on the Board, Committee Member, and/or Contractors Job Descriptions.

New Business No new business

Next Meeting The next Executive Board Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:30am EDT in person at the Marion County Probation Office South. The Education Committee will meet prior to the Board meeting on the same date. Cherie motions to adjourn, Joe seconds. Meeting adjourned at 12:10pm EDT