November 9, 2022

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 11/09/2022

Troy called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Susan Bentley, Vice-President
  • Andria Geigle, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
  • Dustin DeLong, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Rebecca Schrock, District 5 Rep
  • Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Heather Malone, At-Large
  • Jennifer Lampert, At-Large
  • Adam McQueen, Past President
  • Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator
  • C.J. Miller

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the October Secretary’s Report, which Troy submitted. Andria asked to remove a line in the treasurer’s report, which Troy did. Susan moved to accept the October Secretary’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Andria provided the October Treasurer’s Report. As October 31, 2022 the balance in checking was $93,723.38 and in savings $17,083.71. Susan motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Andria asked to have anyone who attended last meeting to sign the printed minutes. The bank needs the documentation to add Troy to the account.

She talked to our accountant and the meeting is scheduled in December. She is reviewing the documents and the discrepancy with Quicken software.


Karen recently attended a workshop regarding job posts on websites. Karen will complete the training and then may suggest we offer this free information to chiefs. This could be beneficial to attract the best qualified candidates for our profession, and even has a free component to teach methods of employee retention.

She welcomed our new at large members (Jenny and Heather). She discussed adding them to the weekly article schedule, which was approved. Jenny will be on week 1, Heather week 2.


Karen stated the membership is going great and she is very pleased. She sent the board information regarding proposed language to use for invoice and/or membership dues that are paid in advance, etc (if a member leaves the county that paid dues before the membership year starts, it stays with the county for the next member). A discussion followed. Mike suggested we send the new membership payment policy to the chiefs. Discussion followed. Karen will post an article and send an email to the CPOs.

Mike a made a motion to approve the Karen’s proposed membership language/text on invoice, as stated below, and Susan seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Proposed text about memberships, website version:

Memberships are not transferable. An individual retains membership as long as they continue to qualify for the membership level as defined in the POPAI Bylaws and pay their annual fee.

POPAI recognizes many Departments invest in their officers by purchasing their memberships, but once the payment is deposited within the membership year it belongs to the individual officer and cannot be removed from them or applied to anyone else.

However, when a Department purchases a membership ahead of the membership year it is with the expectation that the officer will be employed by that Department at the start of the year. Departments who purchase memberships ahead of time should notify the Membership Coordinator before January 1 of the membership year or it will be assumed that the membership will apply to that officer for the duration of the membership year. In the event someone leaves and we receive timely notification, the membership will be removed from the officer and converted into a credit to the Department to be used toward another team member of equal membership type.

Once Annual Membership Verification is sent to the officer on or after January 5 of the membership year it becomes non-transferable.

Text on Department Invoices

Payment of this invoice acknowledges that membership is non-transferable when paid within the membership year. Departments that pay ahead do so with the understanding that the officer will be employed as of January 1 of the membership year. Notify Karen Oeding in situations where the membership is paid early and the officer leaves the department before the start of the year by January 1 of the membership year to convert the membership to a credit. Verification of Membership emails are sent on or after January 5 of the calendar year to prove membership ownership for the officer.

Karen discussed the life member status. Troy reviewed the bylaws and it is stated the potential candidate should request the status.

Adam asked if the above proposal addressed payments for conference attendees who are no longer able to attend. Anthony stated he will review information and possibly add for the Management Institute/Chief’s Summit.

As of November 3, 2022:  1141 Total Current; 997 Pos; 30 Corporate and 114 Other


IACCAC proposed partnership- Troy is continuing the conversation and should have additional info at next meeting.

Management Institute -Anthony has a conference call scheduled on Friday with a representative from Drury Inn. He should have an answer on Friday for the dates, which will be either March 22-24 or March 29-31.

He asked about the new chief’s training and it was agreed we still need to offer the training (as it was determined in the new standards this is in lieu of new chief orientation). He will discuss with Jenny and Heather from IOCS about their availability.

French Lick dates for 2023 will be Sept 20-22.

Anthony confirmed the board had approved that will be begin charging our members the additional expense when a credit card is used for the payment. That “fee” will be passed along to member. ACH is an option or be invoiced and pay with a check.

Karen suggested we should move forward with passing along the credit card fee to members when paying for membership dues, etc. Discussion followed. This will become effective as of Jan 1, 2023 and will be posted on the website.

Anthony discussed the vendor sponsorship packages. He provided the board the breakdown of each tier and suggested the bonus packages. Discussion followed and everyone was in favor of Anthony’s suggestion. We agreed the sponsorship sessions at the conference will be clearly noted as such.

We will post the probation officer code of conduct before the conference.


Chief's Executive Committee

Greg was not available, but did communicate with Troy. Susan offered to host the meeting in January and will discuss with Greg.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Shannon said the next meeting is Tuesday and she will have an update at our December next meeting.


Awards and Recognition

Bob is the chair and Cherie is the cochair.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Susan attended the last meeting on Oct 20.  The report for HEA 1075 was approved. Reducing the community correction advisory board to 11. It would also strike juvenile members from the board.

SEA 9 (EHD monitoring/community supervision/etc) Michelle Goodman reported it has not been finalized.

Next meeting – November 18

Local assistance can be requested through the website.


Old Business

Salary scale – Shannon attended the Probation Committee of the Judicial Conference and stated they will take the proposal to the Board of Directors.

Troy stated the Executive Branch did a recent study and approved a new salary guideline for employees. One approval:  FCS – The starting salary will be approximately $48,000. (Indiana State Compensation Report)

With this new information, Troy discussed options – write an addendum to our proposal, contact the chiefs. Discussion followed on differences across the State of probation officer salary/incentives/bonus/2023 raise/etc. Troy will prepare a questionnaire for the chiefs.

Andria asked if anyone is aware of discussions of probation officers becoming state employees and Troy has not received any info.

Jail Management System Workgroup – Next meeting is Dec 8

APPA Winter Institute Winner – Jack Odle


New Business

APPA – POPAI was asked about sponsoring a keynote speaker for the conference in Columbus.

Susan motioned we provide $1500 to APPA to fund the keynote speaker at the conference in Columbus for the January Regional Meeting. Cherie seconded. Discussion followed. Majority were in favor. Motion carried. Troy will contact Susan.

New committee assignments – will be updated for the Dec meeting.

Board insurance –  will be paid once the bill is received.

Quarterly letter – Troy will begin preparing soon and will send for comments.

Meeting calendar for 2023 – Troy asked if anyone wants to change the location/time/etc. Bob asked if there are any other options to assist those who attend by zoom. Troy will bring an owl and Mike will bring his speaker to see if those things help.

Budget committee – Troy, Andria, CJ, Adam and Susan.

User fee collections (Vigo County) – A question was asked if any other departments utilize a private agency for fee collection and no one did.

Adam asked about our lobbyist contract and Karen stated it should be received in January.

Bob asked if anyone has a policy for staff piercings.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022 @ 10:30am and will be by zoom.