June 9, 2021 Minutes

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 06/09/2021

Troy called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Sarah Lochner, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Chris Biehn, IOCS Liaison
  • Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
  • Lakisha Fisher, Commission for Race & Fairness
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator

Also In Attendance:

Linda Brady, Racheal Oldham, and Andria Geigle

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the May Secretary’s Report. Heather moved to accept the May Secretary’s Report. CJ seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the May Treasurer’s Report. As of May 31, 2021, the balance in checking was $69,384.01 and in savings $17,081.28.   He does not have any outstanding matters that need to be resolved. Lindsey motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

He also provided the updated budget.


As of June 2 2021: 944 total members, 878 POs, 11 Corporate, 55 Other.

Karen has been tracking the payments from the Management Institute. Most members have paid and she will contact those who have not.

In June, we received our first ATF payment.


Anthony provided the update for the speakers w/ the fall conference. He suggested that we send the call for proposals again. It has been sent to various contacts including corporate members and alcohol/drug directors. After discussions, the proposal will be sent to the Chief Probation Officers. They can forward accordingly.

Sarah discussed the mentoring program which will begin at the fall conference. Anthony said we can reserve a space for that specific meeting. We discussed dinner options for the small group. The mentoring pairs will be Wednesday morning and if they plan to have dinner it will be Thursday night.

Troy discussed the POPAI clothing sales and asked if anyone is interested in taking over that portion of the organization. Lindsey, Bob and Andria all said they will assist. Troy asked about options for payments of merchandise at the conference.

Karen will start researching and discussed options website purchases through PayPal. CJ suggested we order more clothing for the conference.

The fall conference will be open to community corrections departments.

We discussed having a special game night. Lindsey, Michael and Mike volunteered to have additional meetings to present suggestions to the board. They will advise everyone when they schedule to meet.

Anthony will purchase the door prizes after CJ provides an estimate of the expenses over the past couple conferences.

Chief's Executive Committee

The meeting will most likely be at breakfast on the Friday of the fall conference.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Esther provided the report:

An Office Hour was held on 5/19 that focused on override definitions and reasons.  The purpose of standardizing these reasons is to understand what is occurring across sites regarding reasons that decisions recommended by the Detention Screening Tool are overridden – both into secure detention and into an ATD.  The OH was recorded and available on the Indiana Group on JDAIconnect.

Grant award announcements and documents should be sent to counties within the next two weeks.  A group of Local Coordinators and State Team are reviewing and revising the Performance Measures that are used to determine eligibility for funding levels.

There are two counties that have recently reached out with inquiries about becoming Indiana JDAI sites.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

The next meeting will be in July.

Updates from Chris Biehn: 

Shannon Chambers – new chair of POAB

Ryan Hull – at large seat

Sarah asked if counties will be required to reapply in Jan for grants since the grant cycle is moving to a calendar year. The State funded grant notification will be sent this fall.  

The committee meetings will continue to be by zoom.


IRAS recert – is occurring now and is virtual.  

2022 IOCS Conference -tentatively May 4-6  

PO Orientation – virtual and live Sept 28 

Pretrial- Orientation most likely will be in Oct.



Heather stated the Intent to Run forms were posted and will be there until July 11.

A discussion followed regarding the District 3 vacancy.

Michael made a motion to accept Megan Eakright of Wabash County Court Services to fill the vacancy in District 3. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Heather discussed the election process and Karen will send her info that she received from APPA. If there is a contested election, the ballets will be online.

(Offices up for reelection are: Vice President, Treasurer, Districts 1, 3, 5, 7. All current office holders term limited except District 1)

Awards and Recognition

Karen will post the Fall Conference Awards nomination forms in July. Bob said the APPA Awards are due this month and a discussion followed regarding any recommendations. Since there was no Line Officer of the Year nominated in 2020, no one will be nominated for the APPA award.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Troy attended the last meeting and sent the board the notes. Points of interest:

988 Crisis response- 2022 will be available.

Coronavirus Funding – Recovery Act Funding. Across Indiana, 1.3 billion is being received. The funds can be used for revenue loss.

1068 – JRAC – must review the community corrections statutes and prepare recommendations for cc code revisions, Troy is on the subcommittee. The access to the funding will be huge discussion.

368-Juvenile Jail Removal


Troy stated the legislative summaries have been posted on the website.


Karen is streamlining her responsibilities, combining updates to the membership entry process. She said PayPal invoicing worked nicely for the different levels of the corporate membership.

She will be submitting a report to Heather and the Election Committee on the software APPA used for voting in case there are contested seats.


Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

Sarah discussed the plan and asked if anyone has any suggestions to please advise her. Our action step is the area we are currently working on.


Race & Gender Fairness Commission

Lakisha said she attended a virtual conference which discussed court programs to address the ethnic and racial inequality among the criminal justice systems. She said the report (call to action) will be finalized in July and submitted to the Indiana Supreme Court. Reducing time frames for post dispositional sentencing is one suggestion in the action plan.

Old Business

Sarah said CJ provided a few updates to the information that she previously provided. She will make those changes. She wants to have the information sent as soon as possible so we can have returned by July 23.

New Business

Heather asked about facilities for confining juveniles. A discussion followed.  

A discussion occurred regarding supervisor pay for officers.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, July 14 @ 10:30am in person in Hamilton County.