July 8, 2015

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 07/08/2015

10:33am EDT


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Mignon Ware, Secretary
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
  • Kory George, JDAI Representative

Secretary's Report Mignon asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the minutes from the June 2015 meeting.  Cherie motioned to accept the minutes, Jimmy 2nd.  All in favor.  Motion carries.

Treasurer's Report Christine reported the amount in the checking account as of June 30, 2015 at $48802.77 and in the savings account amount is $17033.07.  The 2015 budget report was reviewed.  Adam motioned to accept the treasurer’s report.  Brian 2nd.  All in favor.  Motion carries.


Ryan said Facebook and LinkdIn are going well. Good job to everyone on their article submissions. Karen is reviewing articles on Friday to confirm they have been posted. Lastly, “jobs” are still the number one viewed item on the website.

Membership Susan and Karen continue working on the database and making updates for claims invoices.  Discussion.  Still reviewing list of members owing dues.  Karen is also working to generate a report on status of membership by department/county.

Education Susan submitted her report from the Management Institute/Chief PO Training from 2015. Discussion.  Business practice is changed – upon registration for POPAI sponsored events/conferences each registrant will have their membership status verified prior to processing payments. Susan verified that the Fall Conference registration information was sent out.  Vendors will receive their information soon.  Karen is working on adding conference update to the website so individuals can register from there also.  Still working to fill breakout sessions.  Discussion. Allen County Juvenile asked if POPAI has scholarship opportunities for the Fall Conference.  Discussion.  Jimmy made the motion that the Rookie and Probation Officer of the Year recipients have their conference fee paid for the following POPAI Fall Conference by POPAI.  Brian 2nd.  Discussion. All in favor.  Motion carries

Chief's Executive Committee Greg reports that he spoke with Susan about asking if IJC could contribute financially to the 2016 Management Institute.  The committee is also looking at dates in April again.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Kory reports that the National Conference for Coordinators is September 28-30, 2015 in Phoenix, Az and there is a training in November 16-19, 2015 in Santa Cruz.  He has been named to the States Executive Team.  The last meeting was June 23. The expansion of JDAI was discussed (i.e. county interest, utilizing current sites, etc) but not solidified.  Discussion.  The group is looking to increase talks with Legislators.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Troy reports that the meeting with new members will occur on July 14, 2015.
The case plan application by JTAC about 80% complete. It will be similar to the risk assessment in Incite. Some items set by the State and cannot be changed and some objectives controlled by local government. It is not mandated at this time to use this case plan system. The next focus will be confidentiality – who can have access to what information. Goal is to pilot in the Fall and rollout in 2016. Unsure how much functioning with Odyssey. The case plan format - IRAS/IYAS domains will match a goal with strategies and targeted interventions (offering drop downs and free text applications). PSI changes – consult with Community Corrections Departments. Check boxes will be added. Discussion. Confidentiality – document on file showing why information was filed on green paper. Due to Administrative Rule #9 this will now print out with the PSI. HB 1001, Mitigating Factor – the following will be added; person has PTSD, TBI or post-concussive brain injury.


Cherie reports that intent to run forms have been received for the following: Vice President, Treasurer, and District 3. Cherie to ask Karen to send out election information by mail chimp and will post a final article on the website. Also confirmed that absentee ballots are only for contested races.

Awards and Recognition

Jimmy will connect with Karen to post an article and provide information on the website or Rookie and Probation Officer of the Year.


Linda reports JRAC had two meetings (June 17 organizational meeting and July 1 official meeting). Good feedback received from Chief’s and POPAI Board Members on questions. Linda said Chief PO’s need to be perceived as ready to collaborate and at the forefront of EBP efforts. The new Community Corrections grant will be sent out July 9 or 10. The grant including the collaboration plan are due September 18. Discussion. The next meeting for Linda and designees is July 15. Discussion.
Ryan said DMHA is requesting that the IRAS and PSI are submitted with referrals to utilize for collaborative information.
Linda will continue to provide email updates to the membership.

Old Business

Linda said there are no updates on contractor or Board Member job descriptions.

New Business

Troy and Ryan report out from the By-Law Committee. Page 2 Life Membership language clarification recommendation provided. Discussion. Further discussion on held topic from the June 2015 POPAI Board Meeting: Ryan motions to table the application submitted by a former Probation Officer until Susan can verify the number of years this individual was a POPAI member. Brian 2nd. All in favor. Motion carries.

Next Meeting August 12, 2015 10:30am EDT. Linda will advise all Board Members if the meeting will be in person or by conference call.