POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 07/12/17
10:33am. In-person meeting.
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- Christine Kerl, Treasurer
- Susan Bentley, Secretary
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Linda Brady, Past President
Secretary's Report
June’s report- Susan B moves to accept, Brian seconds, all voted and motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Christine submitted this report as of June 30, 2017 the amount in the checking account is $74,936.34 and the amount in the savings account is $17,042.29. Melonie moved that we accept treasurer’s report, Cherie seconded. All voted, motion carried.
Karen sent her report this week. Traffic still high on Mondays and job postings are still receiving the most hits.
Susan R. reported everyone was re-invoiced a month ago.Education
Susan R. reported she is working on break-out sessions for the fall conference. Suggestions are welcome. Key note speaker is confirmed. Susan R. talked further with closing speaker as asked and will be confirming. Adam spoke with DOC and they are more than willing to participate in training. Discussion held about how many sessions would be given for this training. Susan R. to reach out to Jenny Bauer about the possibility of a fall CPO training due to several new CPO’s as of late and per IOCS request.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg Werich not present.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory George not present. Sarah reported that JDAI is finalizing their MOU now and IDOE will be added as a partner.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Melonie Coan present to update: Meeting held 7/11/17: CJ updated that Sarah Lochner is the new chair of the Advisory Board. 5/9/18, 5/10/18, 5/11/18 will be the combined A and D, problem solving courts and Probation annual meeting for next year. Sarah will reach out to Greg about the suggestion made for a new CPO mentor network. Still no update for IRAS/IYAS recertification next step for those who did not pass.Election
Steve reported a full slate but, no contested election for any spot. 1,3,5,7 Districts are open for election this year as well treasurer and vice-president. Investigating the possibility of running election through the POPAI website again. Adam will get with Karen to investigate election through text as well.Awards and Recognition
CJ is the chair-Founders award, PO of the year, and Rookie of the year award nominations are posted on the website and all members were notified via email. These are due 8/7/17.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
Linda reported policy team met 6/23/17. The next meeting is 7/14/17. Pre-Trial release executives team training in August, 2017. Pre-trial work group meets again 8/7/17.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
JRAC Meeting will be held 8/4/17 at 1pm. 7/25/17 at 9:30 am JRAC Legislative Committee meeting is scheduled.
Linda sends out pending legislation reports to POPAI board weekly during the session.
Old Business
Audit Letter to CPO’s-Adam circulated Contractors and board member job descriptions-Linda will send these out.
New Business
Strategic Plan-Adam asked for ideas and feedback.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: 8/9/17- at 10:30am.