January 13, 2016

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 01/13/2016

10:35 AM. The meeting was held via conference call due to the weather.


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Adam McQueen, Vice President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report The Minutes from the December POPAI Board meeting were discussed.  MOTION to accept: CJ. SECOND: Adam.    APPROVED.

Treasurer's Report The December 2015 Treasurer’s Report was discussed.  As of December 31, 2015:  Savings: $17,034.79; Checking:  $65,108.19.  MOTION to approve: Brian. SECOND: Bob.  APPROVED. 2016 Budget: the budget committee discussed the proposed 2016 organization budget.  The 2015 budget was $85,510.  Total proposed 2016 budget:  $84,467.  MOTION to approve: Adam.  SECOND: CJ.  APPROVED.  Linda thanked the budget committee for their work on this project.

Membership 894 total current members; 808 POs; 34 Corporate. Susan Rice gave an update on the POPAI membership database and membership numbers. Susan plans to check the PO box for more dues payments then update the database.  After updating the database, she will check in with Linda re: plans for next steps and re-sending departmental invoices.

Education 2016 New CPO Training /Management Institute / CPO Summit will be April 6,7, 8.  To be discussed at Jan.15th Chief Executive Committee meeting in Peru.  Angie Hensley of the Indiana Judicial Center (IJC) provided a list of some of the topics that will be covered at the 2016 PO Annual meeting in May.  Also, Chris Kerl of the DOC emailed the results of the SurveyMonkey that was sent to all adult CPOs and CC Directors.  Only 24 of 72 (33%) survey participants identified themselves as CPOs/ACPOs; considering there are 91 Chief POs of County-operated Adult Probation Departments, that would be a 26% response rate by CPOs.  There are 74 Adult CC Programs listed on IACCAC’s website; 41 CC responses (55% response rate). Planning for 2016 Fall conference. “Big” names?  Big topics?  Suggestions for the CEC to consider?  Please let Susan know your suggestions. Linda spoke with Jane Seigel re: partnering with IJC to train probation leaders re: EBP organizations. Jane asked Linda to discuss this with Angie Hensley.  Both Linda and Angie have emailed Mark Carey to ascertain his availability to train Indiana CPOs in 2016.  Awaiting his response.

Chief's Executive Committee Greg Werich reported that the CEC will be this Friday January 15th in Peru.  Agenda: Susan Rice’s proposal for Leadership Academy; POPAI Management Institute; and 2016 POPAI Fall Conference.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Kory did not have any updates. Sarah reported that several new JDAI counties have been added to the project. The Indiana JDAI conference will be March 16-17.  JDAI counties will send teams of 8 to this conference. SB 349 Juvenile detention matters. Allows an intake officer to impose conditions upon the release of a child who was not taken into custody under an order of the court. Includes weekends and holidays in the 48 hour calculation for detention hearings or probable cause determination hearings.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Troy reported that the January 2016 Advisory Board meeting has been rescheduled to February 9th.

Election POPAI received Intent to Run for the District 4 vacancy after the December POPAI Board meeting. The Board voted via email to elect the qualified applicant Lakisha Fisher of Grant County Probation. Lakisha was present for today's meeting.

Awards and Recognition CJ has ordered the plaques for outgoing Board members. He will send these plaques to the former members. He has been in contact with APPA re: submitting our PO of the Year to APPA.

Legislation Expansion of POPAI Legislative Committee: On January 8, 2016, Linda sent POPAI’s first 2016 legislative update email to all Chief POs, not just the Chiefs who are POPAI members. [Note: 95 Indiana Chief POs are current POPAI members so future legislative emails will be sent only to the Chief members.] POPAI was asked to provide feedback re: HEA 1006 to Jane Seigel who was scheduled to speak before the House Courts and Criminal Code Committee on Wednesday Jan. 6th. Jane’s testimony and other testimony from criminal justice system stakeholders re: HEA 1006 is archived HERE. http://iga.in.gov/information/archives/2016/video/committee_courts_and_criminal_code_0300/ We/probation/POPAI were not advised of this hearing and it was not posted online due to the technical glitch. Linda believes this hearing is worthwhile to watch. The weekly legislative updates from our lobbyist will be posted on the POPAI website, in the Members Only discussion area. Linda also posted an article on the website asking for any POPAI members interested in serving on the Legislative committee to contact her.

Technology Departmental invoices for 2016 dues were sent to all Chief POs. Karen’s Tech report was distributed to the Board via email. Summary: Traditionally, December is a holiday month with slow activity. Karen kept up with routine tasks. She reported that our website had good traffic and she kept watch for job postings or any urgencies.

Old Business Indiana Pretrial Release Project – The Indiana pilot counties were invited to bring their pretrial release project teams to IJC for a training workshop in November. Jurisdictions wishing to continue as Indiana pretrial pilot counties were to have advised the IJC by Jan. 8th of their intent to participate; 10 counties responded that they wish to continue as pilot counties.

New Business JRAC: 2016-2017 CC grant applications and revised collaboration plans are due 1-31-16. Next JRAC meeting is Fri. January 15th. HB 1102 Criminal Justice Matters - JRAC legislation to clean up HEA 1006. Primary goal is to expand local collaboration plans to include all criminal justice entities (judges, sheriff, PD/defense, and prosecutor).

Next Meeting Wed. February 10. In person weather permitting.