January 12, 2022

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 01/12/2022

Troy called the zoom meeting to order at 9:30 am.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Susan Bentley, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Megan Eakright, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Rebecca Schrock, District 5 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Adam McQueen, Past President
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the December Secretary’s Report.  CJ  moved to accept the December  Secretary’s Report. Susan seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the January Treasurer’s Report. As December 31, 2021 the balance in checking was $87,231.14 and in savings $17,082.29. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.




Lindsey asked Karen if she can track the 10-15-25 year members. Karen discussed the issue with preparing the accurate list from the database. CJ suggest we contact each member to ask what date they began their membership. Karen will start on the project soon so it will not be rushed. Troy stated this is one way we can add value to our membership.  CJ suggested we acknowledge the 10-15-20-25 members.

Karen has posted the membership increase for 2023 and it can be paid now. Karen will include notification of the increase on any invoices she is sending. Probation Officer Members must be a certified probation officer (voting member), Associate Members are all others, including Corrections Officers.

As of January 6, 2022:  1060 Total Current; 991 Pos; 5 Corporate and 64 Other. Corporate Sponsors are acclimated to paying membership with Conference Registration instead of January, so the number will be increasing in Spring and again in Fall.



Anthony emailed the hotel link to the board. The Chief Probation Officer agenda is complete. Anthony and Troy have a meeting today regarding a potential speaker. He said we can start the registration today if approved.

Whova updated the registration page which will make it easier to add the discount code. A discussion followed on the process and the complexity of such for multiple officers who register as a department.  The Management Institute will be a great opportunity to use the current registration process with the discount code. Whova will also start transferring the payments into the POPAI account. Anthony will send the registration information to the board this week and should have it sent to the membership next week.

We discussed Covid and we will follow any orders that Hamilton County may impose.

IACCAC 2023 -Troy will update the board once he has additional information.

Chief's Executive Committee

Greg said they had a good meeting last month in Hendricks County and did not have any other updates.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

By email, Esther stated:

Staff changes:  The JDAI State Team welcomes Nick Ackerman as our newest Youth Justice Strategist and wishes Tashi Teuschler well as she transitions to a position with Community Solutions.

The six JDAI State Workgroups meet this week.  All will be finalizing work plans for 2022.

Annual Results Report data is due 1/31/2022 and will be released (both in aggregate and by county) will be shared at the February State Steering Committee Meeting.

SFY2023 JDAI/DOC grant applications are due to Strategists on 1/21.  Strategists have been working closely with counties to promote alignment of funding requests with areas of focus of local work.  There is $2M allocated to local JDAI sites annually through DOC.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Heather stated the next meeting is on February 15.


No report.

Awards and Recognition

Bob stated we will adjust the application to add expected date of competition. He will speak to the election committee for comments/approval before it is available to the members.


Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Next meeting on January 14

EBDM/Local JRAC Workgroup next meeting January 19


Legislation page (https://www.gopopai.org/legislation/2022-legislation/)  has been updated on the website and our lobbyist has been communicating often.

Currently, the top 5 we are following is listed below:







Karen provided the board her full report.

Karen is starting a plan for updating the whole look and feel of the website. In December, hackers directed an attack to break in to our database. They were unable to access or change any of the membership information. She employed more security for the area and now the attempts have subsided. The website is healthy and she will be working with Anthony for the Management Institute.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

Troy provided the strategic plan that has been updated. We will continue to review and amend accordingly. There were no suggestions for changes.

Race & Gender Fairness Commission

No report.

Budget Ad Hoc Committee

Troy discussed the recent meeting of the budget committee and each line item for the 2022 projected budget. Bob moved to accept the 2022 Budget as presented and Heather seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Old Business

Leadership/Mentoring Project with Brian Riggs – Heather communicated with Brian and updated us. A discussion followed. Megan will ask her coworkers if they have received any updates from Brian.  If we do not have substantial updates before the February Meeting we will decide how to move forward.  A discussion followed about options for those who are interested in the project.

Salary scale – Troy update the current salary scale with the suggestions from the Ad Hoc Committee (and the previous survey from the CPOs).   A discussion followed and a few adjustments were made. Troy is on the agenda for the next POAB Meeting. The goal is to receive the support from POAB and then meet w/ Mary Kay.

Jail Management System Workgroup- Adam said no updates. The next meeting will be March 9.

Lake County Amicus – Troy stated there are no updates on the case.

By Laws Ad Hoc Committee – Will schedule a meeting later in the month.

New Business

Pretrial grant funding – Many counties received a reduction in their grant funding for 2022. We discussed how some counties are handling the decrease. Troy is unsure if JRAC will discuss at the next meeting.

Life membership notification – Karen and Heather had started a conversation about fuller recognition for Life Members than the current simple email. Bob liked the suggestion of recognizing those members at the fall conference. Troy agreed and liked the idea of a certificate. A discussion followed and Lindsey will start those discussions with the membership committee. If you have any suggestions, please notify Lindsey.

Quarterly letter – Troy has prepared and it was approved. The District Reps an now send to the members.

Table cloth – Lindsey discussed the cost of a new table cloth with our logo and a carrying bag. Karen is creating the logo for it with the new logo plus words, just like the other one. CJ motioned that we purchase the table cloth w/ the logo and the carrying bag. Becky seconded. All were in favor. Approved.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, February 9, 2022  @ 10:30am by zoom.