August 11, 2021

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 08/11/2021

Troy called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Sarah Lochner, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Adam McQueen, Past President
  • Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the July Secretary’s Report.  Heather moved to accept the July Secretary’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the July Treasurer’s Report. As of July 31, 2021, the balance in checking was $72,460.35 and in savings $17,081.50. Bob motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.


Karen said the majority of time has been w/ the fall conference information. Once the quarterly letter is prepared she will send to all members. She continues to update the calendar and complying w/ those deadline dates.


As of August 9:  966 total members, 896 POs, 13 Corporate, 57 Other.

Karen stated membership is great. Many are registering with the fall conference. Invoicing emails are going through POPAI’s MailChimp account, which is helping her w/ tracking and verification.



Anthony will make a deposit today of approximately $11,000 and will continue to check to the post office weekly.

The room for Thursday pm has been secured. He discussed the corporate membership banners to be available prior to the break out presentations and/or the opening/closing/lunch sessions. The issue is the availability of the laptops. Mignon suggested we have the information available at registration as well. A discussion followed. Anthony will have posters made w/ the corporate sponsors information and have those posted at the various locations.

Discussion followed regarding providing the breakfast tickets.  We decided to offer the lanyard and add the ticket as in the past. At this time, French Lick will offer the lunch buffet. If Covid restrictions don’t allow, we will change. We will provide the breakfast on Thursday, lunch on Thursday (business meeting) and breakfast for the Chief Executive Meeting on Friday.

Troy will begin a group text to discuss details for those who are able to meet on Tuesday night to assist.

Sarah discussed the mentor program and she said the biggest issue is some will not be able to be in person. She talked to Brian about it and he does not have a problem with offering it virtually. We currently have 8 groups for the program. Sarah will contact those involved.

Troy explained the executive board decided to order masks for everyone at the fall conference. They have been ordered and we will have 4 available colors.

Lindsey said we have many preorders for the clothing and she will be providing other items at the conference. We will have a card tournament and corn hole tournament on Thurs night.


Chief's Executive Committee

Greg will have an agenda prior to the meeting. Karen will send an email to all the chiefs about the early bird registration and the Chief Executive Committee Breakfast. Anthony said he can remind the chiefs through Whova.


Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Esther provided the following update:

  • The State Steering Committee will be held virtually this Friday.  We had planned to meet in person, but due to the resurgence of the coronavirus and associated restrictions, members indicated they would rather not attend in person.
  • We will be releasing our six month data comparison (January-June 2020 compared to January-June 2021) both in the aggregate and by county at the Meeting
  • Ashley Barnett left the JDAI State Team at the end of July to pursue a position with a consulting group that allows her to more directly focus on race equity.  We are in the initial interview process with candidates.  There were 97 applicants for the position!
  • Counties are working with their strategist on performance measures for the FY2021 grants.  This will determine funding eligibility for the next grant year.  DOC is revising the grant application and has asked for input from some Coordinators.  Overall, the feedback is positive!

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Heather stated the next meeting is in October.

Shannon stated IOCS has extended the skills workshop scholarship. Static and Stable will be offered in pilot counties. They are working on subcommittee groups. A state-wide training will be offered in December and asked if POPAI would advertise once the details are determined. POPAI will definitely do so.



Heather said the slate is ready and the ballots will be offered at registration for District 5. Karen will send an email to only the District 5 members regarding the voting process. She will also remind members the 2021 membership must be up to date to be eligible to vote.

Awards and Recognition

Bob stated the applicants for the awards. Karen will send another notification with the correct deadline date of 8-13-2021 at noon EST. Bob will send the applicant information to the committee members. CJ will order the plaques once determined.

CJ discussed the transition of the treasurer position and if it would be helpful for him to remain on the accounts. A discussion followed and we agreed it would be beneficial for him to do so.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

August 6 was the last meeting. It was a short meeting. Community Corrections Code Revision Group will be meeting again today. The Racial Equity Work Group continues to meet. EBDM Group will be meeting next week. The future meetings will most likely by zoom. IDOC received approximately 90 million in grant requests and they approved about 69 million at the last grant cycle.

CJ stated it has been said counties should continue to ask for the needed funds. Understanding, it may not be granted in full.


Public Defenders are being discussed (especially as related to pre-trial services).

Bob said he reached out to those in his district about our name being removed from the local GIS Systems. He said those in his district were very grateful for our involvement with this legislation.

Bob discussed the quarterly letter from the Adam and how it was received. Troy will continue that letter.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

We will review after the fall conference.


Race & Gender Fairness Commission

Lakisha notified Troy there are no updates.

Old Business

PO Salary Scale – Troy asked if Greg would discuss at the CEO Breakfast.

Juvenile Jail Removal Committee – IOCS notified counties of the adult facilities who are accepting juveniles. Heather suggested some type of check list to use before juveniles in adult facilities are released.

New Business

IOCS is forming a workgroup who use STATIC/STABLE/ACUTE to assist with technical information. They are wanting to add this to Incite as an application and need volunteers to provide input.

Jail Management System Workgroup – Adam stated he believes this will be very beneficial. There are 7 pilot counties currently. This system is being created to interface w/ the multiple systems being used across the state. They meet quarterly.

Lindsey said they are discussing other drug test companies and asked about other companies. A discussion followed.


Next Meeting

Friday September 10 @ 11:30.