April 16, 2015

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 04/16/2015

opened at 12:05pm EDT


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Mignon Ware, Secretary
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Eric Zimmerman, Past President
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
  • Kory George, JDAI Representative

Secretary's Report Mignon asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the minutes from the March 2015 meeting.  Cherie motioned to accept the minutes, Eric 2nd, all in favor.  Motion carries

Treasurer's Report Christine reported the mount in the checking account as of 3/31/2015 is $48,151.03 and savings account is $17,032.22.  A payment was made to Glenna (Lobbyist) recently.  Troy motioned to accept the report, Ryan 2nd, all in favor.  Motion carries


Ryan stated there are 144 members signed up for the Members Only section of the website. Top pages visited are 1) Jobs; 2) Events; 3) “Ambiguous probation condition leads to reversal of violation finding; 4) Linda’s letter re: HB 1006.
Reminder for the Board to enter the title of their article in the first box at the very top of the page. Linda, Ryan, and Karen are available for assistance. And always hit preview before submitting.

Membership Susan continues working with Karen on membership invoices.  Contact with counties that have outstanding payments will be made soon.  Linda said she reviewed the receipts in the database and proposes: That Karen generate a current invoice statement from the information in the database, then have a list by department created for paid for not paid and forward to the Chief Probation Officers.  Discussion.  Christine advises that there is $1200.00 remaining in the budget for technology for upgrades.  No objections from the Board to move forward with this project.

Education Susan is still working on topics for breakout sessions for the2015 POPAI Fall Conference.   Linda asked if a save the date to members could be prepared and sent to the membership. Susan advised of discussions for the location of the APPA 2016 Conference (either in Indianapolis or Cleveland, OH).  Susan to follow-up for discussion at the next POPAI Board Meeting.

Chief's Executive Committee Greg said he will try to get a meeting together in the summer to plan for 2016.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update No report

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

No report


No report
Board discussed options for absentee voting (i.e. Woofoo). Will discuss more at the next meeting.

Awards and Recognition

Linda suggested that an article be posted on the website regarding the Charlie Knepple Award. Applications are due by 4/20/2015. Brian to contact Karen.


Linda said HB 1006 meeting 4/21/15 from 9-10am. Representative Steuerwald invited her and others to attend. Discussed concerns in 1006 which will be addressed with Jane at IJC over the grant process and who has the authority. Other concerns mentioned 1) money for medical (per diem and medical costs) is what the Sheriff’s would be entitled to. If counties can recoup those funds it should appear in a separate line item. 2) Define medical? – an amount allotted per person; “true cost” – this varies by county. Share your list of concerns with Linda to address at the 4/21/14 meeting with Rep. Steuerwald.

Old Business

Troy and Susan talked about he the luncheon for the Members with 25 years of service and the Evening POPAI Member Event. They provided costs for food/beverage and possible locations to hold each. Discussion. Ryan recommended/motioned to not move forward with the 25 year luncheon. Events are being tabled, will gather more information and look into corporate sponsors for the member evening event. Christine 2nd, all in favor. Motion carries.

New Business

No new business

Next Meeting The May POPAI Board meeting will be held during the Annual Meeting on May 6, 2015 over lunch (location to be determined). Brian motioned to adjourn, Cherie 2nd, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm EDT.