POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 09/16/2020
Adam called the annual business meeting, which was conducted by Zoom, to order at 12:15pm
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- C.J. Miller, Treasurer
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
- Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
- Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
- Linda Brady, Past President
Also In Attendance:
Mike Small, New District 4 Rep, Lindsey Villalpando New District 6 Rep
Treasurer's Report The total in checking $64,956.10 and in savings $17,080.01.
Technology POPAI continues to provide the most up to date information possible through its website. If you have any questions, suggestions, or need help posting an open position, please feel free to reach out to our webmaster at website.administrator@gopopai.org. This can be located on bottom of every page of the website.
Membership Our current membership number are: 927 total probation officers, 22 corporate members, and 56 other.
Education Adam stated the 2021 POPAI Management Institute, will likely be web-based. The dates have not yet been set and information will be made available in the near future. POPAI has an opening for Conference Coordinator and it is a paid position. If you are interested, please see details including essential duties and responsibilities in a PDF document. Send cover letter and resume to Adam McQueen, POPAI President adammcq@co.wayne.in.us
Election There were no contested elections for the POPAI Board Per Bylaws, candidates for President, Secretary, and Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 were slated and posted on August 8, 2020. President-Adam McQueen Secretary-Cherie Wood District 2-Heather Malone District 4-Mike Small District 6-Lindsey Villalpando District 8-Mignon Ware Adam gave a special welcome to new members of the board, Mike and Lindsey, as well Esther Kaelin, who was recently appointed as POPAI’s Liaison to the JDAI State Team. Adam recognized our outgoing board members for their years of service: Lakisha Fisher (4 years District 4 Rep) and Andria Geigle (4 years, District 6 Rep).
Awards and Recognition The Rookie Probation Officer of the Year award was established in 2014 to recognize probation officers who, while at the beginning of their career, have shown the attitude, aptitude, and desire to improve themselves and to develop into leaders among their peers. Judge Lance Hamner describes this year’s winner as a bright, enthusiastic and hard working young woman and stated the “It would be hard to think of a more worthy candidate.” CPO Angela Morris added “She builds relationships with her clients through care and compassion….this just comes naturally to her.” This year’s winner of the POPAI Rookie Probation Officer of the Year award goes to Jessica Stall. Congratulations to Jessica.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC) Adam stated it is written in statute that POPAI is represented on the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC). JRAC has helped direct over $6.5M in funding to probation departments across the state last year. One of the reasons we have a seat on JRAC is because we have an active legislative committee that monitors all the pending legislation in Indiana each session and advocates for our members and our profession. POPAI employs a lobbyist to assist in getting favorable language in bills and to make sure our voice is heard. Our website contains updated legislation information.
New Business Troy discussed the By Law changes which were posted on the website. The summary: Incorporates Board approved mission statement Clarifies definitions of membership levels Combines or moves some articles or sections Adds duties of each Board member and clarifies vacancies Requires minimum number of meetings of the Executive Board Permits electronic voting during elections Cherie made a motion to approval the amendments to the by laws as stated. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. In closing, Adam stated one of the things you all should have gotten in the last few days, is a POPAI Quarterly report. The intent of this report is to provide more information to you about what your board is doing. I would encourage everyone to take a deep look into this letter. If you find yourself interest in some of the things that are being discussed in the letter, please reach out. Any member is more than welcome to attend, virtually or otherwise, POPAI Board meetings. If you or any member of POPAI have any suggestions on how we can bring a greater value to the membership, please let us know. We’re happy to consider all ideas.