2014 Annual POPAI Business Meeting

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 09/04/2014

Linda opened the annual business meeting at 12:10 p.m. at French Lick. POPAI Website Administrator Karen Oeding was present for the meeting.


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Ryan Hull, Vice President
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Jim Taylor, District 1 Rep
  • Jesse Carlton, District 3 Rep
  • Catherine Custer, District 4 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report No report.

Treasurer's Report Cherie provided the Treasurer's Report in Christine's absence. The starting balance in checking as of 9/9/13 was $49,411.24 and ending balance as of 8/31/14 was $53,403.12. There were $71,749.01 deposits and $67,757.13 expenses. The starting balance in savings as of 9/9/13 was $17,024.91 and ending balance as of 8/31/14 was $17,030.01. The total assets as of 8/31/14 was $70,433.13. Jimmy made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report. Brian seconded. All were in favor, motion carried. Linda explained we currently have a large balance in checking because the conference expenses have not been paid yet. The goal is not to have a huge excess in the account. POPAI would like to continue to offer different scholarships for training and etc.

Technology Ryan Hull discussed all the new changes to the POPAI Website. Karen Oeding, the POPAI Website Administrator, was also present for the annual meeting. Ryan advised everyone there will be a new section on the website for "discussion". This section will be for POPAI Members who are a supervisor, ACPO, or CPO. If you are in this category, please send Karen an email and in the subject line put "!". Karen will then expedite the process for you and notify you of the password. This section is to be utilized for those across the State to discuss such matters as policies, procedures,  programs, and any other matter POPAI members wish to discuss.  Ryan also asked if there are any problems with the website to please advise him.

Membership Linda stated POPAI currently has 904 Individual Members which includes 849 probation officers, and 28 Corporate Members. The goal for 2015 is to have probation officers from each Indiana probation department as POPAI Members.

Education No report.

Chief's Executive Committee No report.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update No report.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update No report.

Election Brian presented the 2014 election results. This year we had 6 elections and 1 was contested. The results are as follows:  President - Linda Brady, Secretary - Mignon Ware, District 2 - Steve Keele, District 4 - Adam McQueen, District 6 - Joe Hooker, and District 8 - Cherie Wood.

Awards and Recognition Jimmy presented the awards to the outgoing POPAI Board Members and those who have changed positions on the Board.  Linda  Brady (Vice-President 2007 - 2013), Ryan Hull (Dist 2), Catherine Custer (Dist 4), Mignon Ware (Dist 8) and Cherie Wood (Secretary) were given plaques. Melanie Strode was given the award for Probation Officer Rookie of the Year. Melanie is from Harrison County. David Williams, from Hamilton County, was presented the Probation Officer of the Year Award. The Founder's Award will be presented on Friday at the closing session.  Outgoing POPAI President Don Travis was presented a plaque for his years of service as the POPAI President (2007-2013) at yesterday's opening session.

Legislation No report.

Old Business Troy discussed the By Law changes that had already been sent to all the POPAI members. He advised everyone the wording of "in good standing" was added to the section of members of the executive board. He also said the "organization of the annual conference and other training" was removed from the VP duties. Ken Bugler motioned to accept the changes as stated. Jon Kramer seconded. All were in favor, motion carried. Troy stated The Board has discussed in detail the membership year and has decided the year will be from January 1 to December 31. As of 9/1 any member who pays for their membership will be credited through 2015.

New Business Linda has been appointed  to serve on the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code. These committee meetings will be live-streamed via the Indiana General Assembly website.  http://iga.in.gov  The next meeting is scheduled for 9/15.  The biggest topic will be funding for probation departments and other correctional agencies as HEA 1006  of 2014 is implemented across the state.

Next Meeting Cherie motioned to adjourn Brian seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.