Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime

Prison Planet.com » Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime

During the January 2 airing of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Blitzer brought up Chicago’s near-800 homicides during 2016 and blamed the deaths on Indiana gun laws.

Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA-49) was the guest, and Blitzer looked at him and said, “There were more people murdered this past year in Chicago than in New York, a larger city, and Los Angeles, a larger city, combined. Something is obviously very, very wrong in Chicago.”

Issa responded, “It really is. And, not to get into the gun question, they have strong gun laws. The problem is, the gangs have guns and you’re not going to take them away with laws.”

Blitzer then went after Indiana, saying, “The mayor and others say the problem they have is most of those guns don’t originate in Chicago or even Illinois, they originate in neighboring Indiana, where the gun laws are much more lax.”