Muncie community members hope to establish program for formerly incarcerated individuals to help change how the community interacts with troubled youth in 2024

Muncie community member Troy Malone watches a presentation on Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) Jan. 19 at the Delaware County Justice Center in Muncie, Indiana. Malone is a part of the Credible Messengers Movement, trying to support the youth in the justice system. Mya Cataline, DN

When Troy Malone’s three year correctional sentence was up in 2003, he was certain of one thing: The life that led him there was not the life he wanted to live.

“You’ll see what life is really about when your kids are crying and have to come visit you in a glass,” he said.

Leaving the system, Malone immediately wanted to get his life back in order and used what he learned to get on the right path.

“I’ve been shot three times, I’ve been stabbed six times. The whole street thing that these youngsters think is life? I have been there and done that,” Malone said. “All I ever got out of it was heartache and pain.

The stuff I have now? My life, my house that I bought? This came from me going to get my butt up and going to work every day,” he continued. “I didn’t have what I have now when I was hustling.”