Vicki Cale, 2023 POPAI Line Officer of the Year

Vicki Cale, 2023 POPAI Line Officer of the Year

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana (POPAI) annual fall conference, Vicki Cale, of the Wells County Probation Department, was presented the “Line Probation Officer of the Year Award.”

The Line Probation Officer of the Year was established in 2014 to recognize line probation officers who have performed their duties in an outstanding manner and /or made significant contributions to the field of probation at the local, regional or national level. The recipient may also have brought credit or honor to the profession of probation through participation or involvement in community activities or programs.

Vicki began in Wells County in 1988 and was active in Indiana Criminal Justice Association Organization in the 1990s.

Chief Probation Officer Greg Werich stated what sets Vicki apart from others is her willingness to be compassionate with her probationers. She utilizes a variety of tools and tactics to make her supervision effective in behavior change. Greg explained her ability to determine the positive with clients and also be able to impose appropriate sanctions when needed. It was clear, Greg completely respects Vicki and values her input.

She is a leader in the department. As an example, Wells County began utilizing a hotline for random drug testing. It was determined they needed to offer additional testing hours, such as weekends, etc. Although Vicki was the most senior person on staff, she volunteered to be the person collecting the tests during the extended hours.

Judge Kenton Kiracofe, Wells Circuit Court stated he has witnessed first hand the immense impact she has had in the lives of the individuals she has served in our community. She possesses a unique combination of empathy and professionalism, which enables her to connect with probationers at a personal level, but at the same time holds them accountable for their individual actions.

Congratulations Vicki.