The main 2021 legislative session concluded near the end of April.  However, the House and Senate will reconvene later in the year to deal with redistricting after they receive the necessary information from the 2020 federal census.

POPAI worked hard to advocate for our membership and though we were not successful in every endeavor (SEA 232), we managed to add probation officers and community corrections officers to the list of persons whose residential addresses may not be disclosed on a public property database website operated by a local government (HEA 1383). This means as of July 1st we can ask our local department (usually the surveyor) who operates a Geographic Information System (GIS) property database to have our names hidden from public view.  This will make it more difficult our clients and members of the public to learn our home addresses or the addresses of any property we may own within the county.

In addition to the above actions, POPAI also provided support in other areas that we believe aids in improving the criminal justice system as a whole.  The 2021 Legislative webpage has been updated for a final time with a list of House and Senate Enrolled Acts which may be informative for our membership.