IMG_4745POPAI provides a scholarship in memory of probation officer Donald “Charley” Knepple.  Charley lost his life on April 28, 1997, while performing his probation officer duties in Allen County, Indiana.  In an effort to honor an outstanding professional and to promote further professionalism, POPAI selected a scholarship that would encourage continued education and advanced degrees for probation officers in Indiana.

At the recent Probation Officers Annual Meeting held in Indianapolis, POPAI presented the 2015 Knepple scholarship to probation officer Patrick O’Neill of Marion County Probation.

Patrick is presently in his third year of graduate school studying Social Work at Indiana University.  Through his education, Patrick is gaining a deeper understanding of mental illness and addictions.  He states that he will be using his degree to ensure that his clients and their families receive appropriate and effective services.

In the letters of support, Patrick’s Chief Probation Officer Christine Kerl stated that Patrick has demonstrated a strong commitment to his role as change agent with his clients and their families.  Deputy Chief Probation Christina Ball stated that Patrick has demonstrated independent decision making in his role as a school based and community based officer.

Congratulations to Patrick!