September 22, 2023

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 9/22/2023

Troy opened the meeting at 11:40 am on September 22, 2023. He welcomed our new board members, Stephanie and Angela, and provided a brief summary of our meetings, etc.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Lindsey Villalpando, Vice-President
  • Andria Geigle, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
  • Stephanie Cole, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Angela Morris , District 5 Rep
  • Albert Arnold, District 6 Rep
  • Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Heather Malone, At-Large
  • Jennifer Lampert, At-Large
  • Adam McQueen, Past President
  • Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the August Secretary’s Report. Shannon moved to accept the August Secretary’s Report. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Andria provided the Sept Treasurer’s Report. As of August 31, 2023, the balance in checking was $106,761.75 and in savings $17,085.14. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Mike seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Andria explained the recent issue our tax identification number and stated the account advised her that we not make any other investments (CD, etc) until the EIN is resolved. When the CD matures, the money will be placed in the checking or savings account.

It will cost approx. $600 to file the required form because we are unable to locate the official letter of determination. Rupert made a motion for Andria to file and pay the needed amount to for POPAI to receive the tax-exempt status again. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Due to all of the above, POPAI will be required to pay taxes this year.

Our new accountant is Jill Duncan. Andria will ask Jill to submit a bill by the end of the year.

Shannon motioned to accept the Sept Treasurer’s Report and Heather seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.


As of 9-14-2023: 1146 total current members (991 probation officers, 29 corporate, 126 other).

Lindsay stated we had approximately $2000 in merchandise sales and the process for payments (the square) worked out great.


Anthony provided a quick summary of the evaluations he had reviewed. The opening speaker did not receive good reviews. He will have additional information at the next meeting. We discussed the issue w/ the air conditioner in the vending area. We received good feedback from the vendors regarding their location.

Management Institute – Anthony will contact the hotel to start discussing our dates.

2024 Fall Conference/ APPA Summer Institute – Anthony stated we will have an additional 50 rooms in our block next year and will use 2 different codes. One for the officers and one for vendors.

The APPA Summer Institute will be a Friday to a Monday. Troy discussed POPAI offering scholarships for POPAI representation at the conference.

Chief's Executive Committee

The group met at breakfast today. Greg received recommendations for future trainings and will share those with Anthony.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Esther advised by email:

The annual data was updated and released last month.

The 2023 JDAI Local Leadership Conference is the first week of October. Approximately 90 JDAI Local Coordinators and Judicial Officers will gather in Shipshewana to learn, connect and engage in activities that promote improvements to Indiana’s youth legal system.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Shannon stated the next meeting is October 10 and they will be discussing the caseload study.

YJOC grants will be released soon.

July 1, 2024, juvenile standards will change. Behavioral Health Changes. Telehealth Care, etc. There will be a formalized diversion process and grants will be available for assistance.


Vice President – Lindsey Villalpando
Treasurer – Andria Geigle
District 1 – Bob Schuster
District 3 – Stephanie Cole
District 5 – Angela Morris
District 7 – Rupert Strawbridge
At-Large Seat 1 – Jennifer Lampert

Mike stated the election was fine and Karen was a help w/the spread sheets. We discussed the absentee ballot, utilizing a vendor if we have high number and agreed to discuss before the next election.

Awards and Recognition

Cherie and Bob explained it was a joint effort and appeared to go smoothly. Vicki Cale was named the Line Officer of the Year and Abigail O’Brien was named the Rookie Officer of the Year.

Bob will order the plaque for the outgoing members.

There were no nominations for Founder’s Award.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Next meeting is today. No update.


Karen stated the most visited pages on the POPAI Website are jobs and announcement of the award winners. She is contacting Kahlie to proceed with the branding project.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

Troy will schedule a meeting to discuss bylaws. We need to add pretrial officers to the discussion.

Old Business

Troy discussed the updated salary proposal. The 2nd week of Oct, the committee will meet. If approved, it will then go the Board of Directors for the Dec meeting. If all is approved, it could be implemented in spring of 2024.

We discussed the information/stats used in the proposal. Adam asked about the survey and number of hours worked, which vary across the State. Discussion followed. Heather made a motion to publish the amended salary scheduled. Lindsey seconded. Adam abstained from the vote. All else were in favor. Motion carried.

New Business

The Board was invited to meet in Johnson County.

Next Meeting

October 11 by Zoom.