October 11, 2023

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 10/11/2023

Troy called the October Zoom Meeting to order at 10:30am EDT


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Lindsey Villalpando, Vice-President
  • Andria Geigle, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
  • Stephanie Cole, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Albert Arnold, District 6 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Heather Malone, At-Large
  • Jennifer Lampert, At-Large
  • Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator

Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the September Annual Meeting Secretary’s Report and the September Board Meeting Secretary’s Report.   Andria and moved to accept both reports and Jack seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Andria stated as of September 30, 2023 the balance in checking was $82,742.83 and the balance in savings was $17,085.27

The treasurer filed the 8976 Notice of Intent to Operate Under 501(c)(4), fee of $50.00 paid.  Response from IRS may take up to 60 days.  Next step is to file 1024-A Application for Recognition of Exemption (must have 8976 on file first).  (anticipated cost of $600)

Lindsay made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Mike seconded. All were in favor and motion carried.


Karen is working on the website structure. She discussed the upcoming calendar items and continues to monitor the most common pages visited by our members. She shared the October goals that mostly support membership. Karen created a map, showing the location and number of members in each district.

Graphic Designer- Karen will continue to communicate with Khalie, our graphic designer and update the board with suggestions.


Per Karen, our numbers are continuing to increase. On 10-03-2023: 1203 Total Current: 1027 Probation Officers; 35 Corporate Sponsors; 125 Associate Members (Community Corrections and Support); 16 Life, Emeritus, or Honorary.

She has completed all the data entry as of Sept 2023 and will be working on editable 2024 invoices.


Prior to the meeting, Anthony provide the board members the post mortem report of the 2023 Fall Conference. He was unavailable for the board meeting so we will discuss any specific questions at the Nov meeting.

Management Institute – Anthony has communicated with Drury Inn and we should have the dates determined by our next meeting. It will most likely be the beginning of March.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Report from Esther:

JDAI Grant applications are expected to be released this week! State WG meetings are being held today and tomorrow.

We are welcoming Owen County back as an active JDAI site – they underwent a judicial officer transition and have been on pause, but recently decided to jump back in.

Jefferson County underwent their System Assessment a couple of weeks ago – one day of system mapping and one day of interviews with stakeholders.  They are scheduled for a Kick-Off meeting in mid-November.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Rescheduled to November. Shannon asked if IOCS will be offering scholarships for APPA. Chris will ask and let her know.


Troy explained the process for the committees and decisions for determining the Chair.

Cherie and Bob will continue to cochair the Awards and Recognition. Albert will also be on the committee.

Bob will chair the Election Committee.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Troy stated the last meeting was during our POPAI Conference so he was not able to attend. The next meeting is in November. The discussion will continue to be moving EBDM throughout the state.


Lobby registration is due on Nov. 1.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

Quarterly review and update of strategic plan in January, April, July and October.

Old Business

By laws – Troy will schedule a zoom meeting to discuss.

Jack asked how the previous IACCAC management training was received. Troy stated he believed it went well and did not hear any negative feedback.

New Business

Feb 25-28 APPA Conference, Seattle, WA.  Troy explained POPAI has an Affiliate Membership with APPA and we send one Board Member to attend the APPA Winter conference.  Costs covered by POPAI include: hotel, flight, and registration.  (Member is responsible for food and ground transport) The Board Member is expected to attend the Affiliate Membership meeting.

APPA is offering training 2 days prior for management. Discussion followed and all agreed if eligible, the board member can also attend the 2-day Executive Summit (Feb 23-24).

For any board member interested, they need to email Andria before October 20. The name will then be randomly drawn.

November 13 meeting for Host Committee for Indianapolis APPA Conference. Troy has been invited to attend the meeting and will have more information regarding POPAI’s potential involvement with the Summer APPA Conference.

Discussion followed regarding POPAI offering scholarships for members to attend the Summer APPA Conference. We will continue to discuss when we prepare the 2024 budget.

Troy advised everyone if they desire to be involved with any specific committee to advise him.

Karen has prepared a new policy folder in Box so the board members can share the information.

Budget Committee – Will meet in Nov or December to prepare the 2024 budget. If interested, please advise Troy.

Next Meeting

Wednesday Nov 8 and tentatively at Hamilton County Court Services.