Registration Continues for POPAI Management Institute

REGISTRATION for the 2017 POPAI Management Training is now open to Chief POs, Assistant CPOs, Probation Supervisors, and Probation Staff members who serve in a management capacity.

POPAI is excited to be bringing in Melanie Lowenkamp from Core Correctional Solutions to present a full day of training on how to engage and motivate staff members to sustain evidence based practices within our organizations.  She will be presenting at the Management Institute on Tuesday, April 11th.

The CPO summit will focus on several different topics relevant to probation including CR 26 (pre-trial release), E-filing (it’s coming), juvenile updates from the DCS, and new information from the Indiana Office of Court Services.

Training brochure may be accessed at the following link 2017 POPAI Management Training Brochure

The registration link can also be found here: