Join BrightView Comprehensive Outpatient Addiction Center for a virtual forum with leading addiction professionals who will discuss fentanyl, one of the deadliest and most addictive drugs and what sets it apart from other drugs. They will discuss the impact of fentanyl addiction on our local communities and how to utilize best practices to combat this. There will be a Q&A/live discussion towards the end to promote conversation around treatment and recovery.

Date: Thursday, August 18th

Time: 12pm – 1pm EST

Why is Fentanyl everywhere and how to recover from it:

  • Recent trends
  • Fentanyl by the numbers
  • What sets it apart from other drugs?
  • How does it get here?
  • Addressing the biological, psychological, and sociological needs of patients with SUD

Featured Speakers:

Melissa Anderson, PharmD

Director of Public Policy and Advocacy

Cheryl McClain, MD

Medical Director of Kentucky

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