POPAI President Letter: Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council

Dear POPAI Membership:   I sent the letter below to all Indiana Chief Probation Officers on June 26, 2015.


Dear Chief Probation Officers:

I am sending this email to all Indiana Chief Probation Officers including CPOs who are not POPAI members.

As you are aware, HEA 1006 (of 2015) created the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council.  [See link to HEA 1006 Criminal justice funding     HEA 1006 Criminal justice funding ]

One of the nine members of this council is the president of the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana or the president’s designee.  The executive director of the Indiana judicial center (Jane Seigel) serves as chairperson of the advisory council.

The Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC) held an organizational meeting on June 17th.  I attended this meeting along with the POPAI Treasurer Christine Kerl.

The group received preliminary drafts of materials related to applications for the expanded Community Corrections Grants (as described in HEA 1006).  The draft materials included a proposed Community Corrections Adult Services Grant Amendment Form for the new funds related to HEA 1006 and a proposed County Collaboration Plan Form.

JRAC members were specifically asked to not share these preliminary draft materials with our Boards or membership until after the Council convenes for its first official meeting on July 1, 2015.

JRAC members have been asked to provide the Council with concerns and questions from our respective constituencies.

I am asking all Chief Probation Officers who oversee Adult Probation to please send me your questions and concerns about the funding related to HEA 1006.  This includes questions and concerns about: 1) the expanded Community Corrections Grants; 2) the new money appropriated for Veterans Problem Solving Courts ($5000,000/year to the Indiana Judicial Center); and 3) the new Mental Health and Addiction Forensic Treatment Services Grants.

I need these questions and concerns by noon Tuesday June 30th so that I can compile them for the July 1st JRAC meeting.

Thank you for your help.

Linda Brady,  POPAI President