Chief Probation Officers' Committee Formed
The 2003 POPAI board of directors created a new standing committee - the Chief Probation Officers Executive Committee. The intention of the new committee was further apply POPAI's mission, To support, promote, and encourage quality probation services in the interest of the community and the courts of Indiana, among chief and supervising probation officers. Chief and supervising probation officers have additional professional needs to those of line officers, and this committee was created to address those needs. The newly formed committee has wasted no time in its undertaking projects, and since its inaugural meeting October 16, 2003, it has:

1. Developed its mission statement and goals.
The mission of the Chief Probation Officer's Executive Committee is to innovatively and collaboratively promote the highest level of professionalism within the Probation administrator's role and responsibilities.

  • to expand and improve training opportunities for CPOs and management staff utilizing local, state and national resources;
  • to improve timely communications between probation administrators;
  • to provide mentoring services and technical assistance to probation administrators;
  • -to develop and advocate solutions for funding, programming and effective operations;
  • providing a state forum for the timely sharing of national trends and development within the probation industry.

2. Created a new chief probation officer training program.
Pending confirmation, the first New Chief Probation Officer Orientation will be held March 8 and 9, 2004, in Indianapolis, IN. The underlying plan for the Orientation is to sensitize new chief probation officers on what probation executives should consider in the course of their work. Since each jurisdiction does things differently, it is impossible to say heres how to do this. Instead, the plan is to provide new chief probation officers a toolbox containing ideas on thinking like an executive/ leader/ manager. We also intend this comprehensive training to be an annual event, and recognized as essential training for new Indiana chief probation officers. Training will be provided by experts within the Indiana judicial system partly to save costs, but also because they know best the specific needs of Indiana chief probation officers. While the training will target new chief probation officers (appointed within past 18 months), veteran chiefs will be permitted to participate as accommodations allow.

The committee welcomes comments and suggestions from anyone for these and future projects. Meetings will be announced on the POPAI website, and all chief probation officers, assistant chief probation officers, and supervisor probation officers are welcome to attend.

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Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana, Inc.
P.O. Box 44148
Indianapolis, IN 46244