Executive Excellence is a three-phase, multi-session, leader development experience, targeted to executives from community services, jails, and prisons.
Executive Excellence (EE) is a three-phase, multi-session, leader development experience, targeted to executives from community services, jails, and prisons. It addresses critical competencies required for success and effectiveness as a contemporary correctional executive . EE frames the interconnecting importance of 1) physical well-being, 2) intellectual orientation and curiosity, 3) emotional resilience and stability, and 4) substantive knowledge of corrections as a field of inquiry. Multiple online assessments occur prior to Phase One (BenchMarks® 360, MBTI Step II™, and more), to build a foundation for EE activities. Activities in EE are designed to meet the current and emergent leadership and executive needs in correctional agencies. Activities include reading books and articles, small group work, individual executive coaching, and the creation of an Executive Leadership Development Plan (ELDP). Participants access/download training materials used during the course from an online portal prior to and during class activities. EE participant materials, including the manual, assessment instructions, and other materials are digital, requiring participants to have a portable laptop/large tablet for in-class use at the NCA.
EE is targeted to executive-level positions. Executive-level positions may include Director of a state Department of Corrections; Director of a city or county Department of Corrections; Federal Bureau of Prisons Regional Director; Sheriff; Director of a state Juvenile Department of Corrections; Director of a local Juvenile Department of Corrections; Director of a state or local probation system; Director of the paroling authority where it is separate from the Department of Corrections; and Deputy Directors of large systems. Please see NIC’s Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Executive and Senior Levels, pages 6 – 10, for sample job and responsibility areas that are appropriate for the Executive Excellence series Correctional Leadership Competencies: Executive & Senior-Level Leaders.
Follow this link to enroll in the NIC Learning Center for selection consideration by May 24, 2023:
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