
Executive Board Meeting

November 14, 2001

Call to Order:

Eric opened the meeting at 11:05 am .







Eric Zimmerman



Susan Rice

Vice President


Gwyn Green



Greg Werich



Lori White



William Wakeland

District 1


Tim McAlhany

District 2


Andrew Holland

District 3


Mike Small

District 4


Melody Sears

District 5


Scott Dawson

District 6


Allison Juliot

District 7


K. Allan Henson

District 8


Ted Ward

Past President


Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board


Secretary's Report:

Greg moved to accept October's minutes, Tim seconded, all were in favor, motion carries. 

Treasurer's Report:

Greg handed out the treasurer's monthly report.  Savings balance is $37,000.14 and Checking balance is $4,329.17. (Contact your district rep. for a complete copy). The answer to the question raised last month about why the bill to Pitney Bowes was so high was addressed by Greg.  He stated that the cost of sending out the election slate was $461.14 and the cost of sending out August's minutes was $424.00.  Tim moved to accept the treasurer's report. Susan seconded. All were in favor, motion carries.


Lori stated that we have 725 members to date but found out that most of District 5 had been archived. She sent out letters to all and also made phone calls to each person letting them know their membership had lapsed. She also discussed the cost of changing the database again to include a reminder letter that is generated when a member gets close to being archived. Andy MInteer stated it would cost right around $100 to make that change.  A discussion was had as to the benefit of sending the letters to individuals instead of Chief's. Allan moved to spend up to $100 on the change. Susan seconded, all were in favor, motion carries. Ted told Lori he will be settin up a meeting with Delaware Co. and would like her to attend to discuss membership with them.  Lori also called and reserved the meeting room in the City County Bldg. for all of 2002 board meetings except May 8th, June 12, and Aug. 14.  She reserved the Community Court Conference Room at 1525 S. Shelby St. for the other dates except Aug. 14 since we will be at the conference at that time. Lori also asked about getting mementos for members who are coming up on 15 year memberships.  Eric asked if she would research different items and present them at the next meeting.  


Allan talked to French Lick and thinks that the bill has been straightened out.  He hasn't seen anything in writing yet but was told that part of the beverage charge had already been taken care of by Mingus Mountain and the other portion should be covered by Correctional Management for their reception. One small portion of a beverage charge was written off by French Lick because it was never approved by anyone. Eric would like a bill from French Lick outlining the specific amounts that we need to forward to Correctional Management.

Tim and Susan talked about the 2002 conference at Pokagon. They have reserved 60 hotel rooms that are outside the park for overflow.  It is being discussed that vendors should be given rooms in outer perimeter hotels so that there are enough rooms for officers at the park.  They are also checking into shuttles to and from the park. It was also discussed that maybe a copy of the DNR park rules regarding alcohol be sent out with the conference flyers.  Tim mentioned that they will be forming the conference committee soon and the food will have to be ordered by February. He said that the prices for food/accomodations etc. seemed appropriate and not over priced.

Susan talked about the Chief's Summit and stated that she sent a letter to the Indianapolis Covention and Visitors Association and they are going to send out letters to the downtown hotels telling them our desires for accomodations.  The proposals are supposed to be back to Susan by Dec. 1st.

Awards and Recognition:

Eric suggested we get thinking about timelines for the Charley Knepple Scholarship Award. We need to send out reminders in January, have deadlines for entries in March and interviews in April.

Corporate Membership:

Susan says nothing is really new.  She hopes to send out letters to all sponsors by the end of the year to renew their memberships. Allan asked Susan to call Correctional Management to see if they have given French Lick any payments yet for their reception at the conference.


Eric stated that the Governor is proposing a Tax Plan that would move the costs of local trial courts to the state level.  The Chief Justice sent out a memo that they were supporting the Plan. After many questions posed to him about the fate of probation, the Chief Justice sent out another memo stating that we would not become D.O.C. employees.  At this time Eric thought it important that we be aware that a proposal is going to be written and we should be talking to our legislators about it. We can take a more proactive approach once we see the specifics of how it is written.






Gwyn was provided with the info from the sales at the conference and she provided the merchandise inventory to Greg to include in our assets.

Old Business:

The letter was sent by Eric to the Chief about the bad check issue.  All aspects of that issue have been resolved. Ted wanted to let it be known (through Lori) that he had originally planned on responding to that Chief personally but decided against it. Eric asked that we table the decision as to what records we want to keep until next meeting when more members are there. 

New Business:

We received a letter of resignation from Scott Dawson of Greene Co. due to a new job that he has taken. Good luck Scott!  We'll miss you.  Scott suggested Laird Thompson of Parke Co. as his replacement. Laird was present at this month's meeting. Greg moved to accept Laird onto the board, Melody seconded, all were in favor, motion carries.    Greg handed out the proposed budget for next year for everyone's approval. Allan stated that upon talking to the Judicial Center, the new proposed Interstate Compact has not received enough state's acceptances to make it pass yet.