Executive Board Meeting


May 9, 2002



Call to Order:


Eric opened the meeting at  11:20 am .








Eric Zimmerman


Susan Rice

Vice President

Gwyn Green


Greg Werich


Lori White


William Wakeland

District 1

Tim McAlhany

District 2

Andrew Holland

District 3

Mike Small

District 4

Melody Sears

District 5

Laird Thompson

District 6

Allison Juliot

District 7

K. Allan Henson

District 8

Ted Ward

Past President

Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board




Secretary's Report:


No comments were made about last month's minutes. Greg moves to approve April Minutes, Ted seconds.  All in favor.


Treasurer's Report:


Greg handed out his report. Totals as of May 6, 2002, are:  Checking $3,955.29, Savings $12,514.21.  Total assets right now are $20,328.26.  Compared to last year's total, we are a little behind due to the loss from last year's conference.  Last year's total at this point was $31,800.00. Greg also presented a nice letter from the Charlie Knepple Scholarship.




Lori brought samples of the awards for the 15 year members. Gwyn made a motion to give the 4x6 awards, Allison seconded. All were in favor. A discussion was also had deciding that a certificate would also be given to 15 year recipients. Lori also asked about the numerous calls she received regarding the list of proposed 10 and 15 year members. There were seven total people that disputed that they should be recipients.  Lori's records showed that those seven missed at least one year of dues in the allotted time frame.  A lengthy discussion was had and Allan made a motion to accept all seven as either 10 or 15 members due to the sketchy records that we had for a few years.  Gwyn seconded the motion.  All were in favor.   Lori also reported that the company doing our awards is willing to come to conferences with some merchandise already made up with our logo on it.  If anyone wants something else not presented, they can order it. The board discussed this and decided to ask that company to become a corporate member before we let them do that. 




Tim handed out the pamphlet that he made up for the conference. He said that the conference committee met last month and everything is on track.


Awards and Recognition:


Founder's award paperwork went out last month and is due on June 30th. 


Corporate Membership:


Susan reported that we have one new corporate member.




Eric reported that there is a Judges meeting on May 10 and POPAI will be present.




Intention to run forms will go out with the minutes this month.  They are due back to the board by June 24th. 








The board decided to sell the merchandise at a discounted price for the annual meeting so that we can reduce inventory.


Old Business:




New Business:


Eric is working with Calibre Press to get a discount for POPAI members for the Street Survival Seminar.  A notification will be attached to the minutes. DON'T FORGET THAT NEXT MONTH'S MEETING WILL BE ON JUNE 12TH AT THE COMMUNITY COURT - 2ND LEVEL, PROBATION DEPT. CONFERENCE ROOM, 1525 S. SHELBY St.!!!!