Executive Board Meeting
June 11, 2003

Call to Order:

Eric Zimmerman opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m.


Name Position Present Absent
Eric Zimmerman President x
Susan Rice Vice President x
Jennifer Outlaw Secretary x
Greg Werich Treasurer x
Lori White Membership x
William Wakeland District 1 x
Tim McAlhany District 2 x
Don Travis District 3 x
Mike Small District 4 x
Melody Sears District 5 x
Laird Thompson District 6 x
Allison Juliot District 7 x
CherieWood District 8 x
N/A Past President
Fred Martin Prob. Adv. Board x

Others in attendance:

Matt Taylor, webmaster of, was present for the first part of the meeting. He was introduced to the Board and was available for any questions from the Board regarding the website.

Secretary’s Report:

Greg questioned the New Business section of the May 8, 2003, minutes. He inquired if the gift to Senator Meeks was meant to be a "token of appreciation" or a "get well gift." Discussion followed. The Board determined that it was discussed both ways so the minutes can be approved as typed. Greg moved to accept the May minutes. Tim seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Greg reports that all bills are paid except one in the amount of $43.00. Merchandise has not been written off on the report, but he reports that that will be done prior to the Annual Report. The report reflects the balance of the checking account as $3,924.39 and savings as $22,353.65. Total assets at this time are $27,415.03. Susan moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Cherie seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.


Lori reports that membership renewals are steadily coming in and that people are signing up daily to receive their monthly minutes emailed to them. She doesn’t have the exact numbers available, but she feels confident that this is going to continue to save a lot on postage. Lori asked the Board if they would be opposed to sending reminder emails in lieu of letters via US Mail. Additionally, she wanted to know if the Board would oppose her sending reminders only to the Chief Probation Officer in those counties that pay for all of their staff to be members of POPAI. Those individuals who pay their own membership fee will continue to receive notice. She reports that this would probably save about half on each month’s postage expenses. The Board agreed that this was acceptable.


Cherie reports that the Annual Conference Committee has been working on ironing out some final details regarding speakers, meals, and etc. Discussion followed.

Awards and Recognition:

Eric reports that Laird has received one Founder’s Award nomination. The deadline to submit a nomination for the Founder’s Award is June 30, 2003. Nominations should be returned to Laird Thompson, Parke County Probation Department, 116 W. High St. Courthouse, Rockville, Indiana, 47872. Contact Laird at 765.569.3521 or your District Representative with any questions. Lori asked if we wanted to pass out 10 and 15 year plaques at the Annual Conference. The Board agreed that would be fine. Lori states that she will bring the list to the next meeting to make sure that everyone that should be recognized appears on the list.

Corporate Membership:

Susan reports that we have one new corporate member, MCJ Eyecheck. Corporate members are being contacted to sponsor events at the conference.


Eric reports that the Senate Enrolled Act 506 is available at, go to Bill Watch ( If you do not have access to the Internet and would like a copy, contact Eric at 260.449.7195 or at Eric presents information regarding the Probation User Fee Schedule. A copy of this information will be included with the minutes.


Jennifer reports that Intent to Run forms have been received for Vice President, District 1, 3, and 5. No Intent to Run forms were received for Treasurer or District 7. Nominations for Treasurer and District 7 can be accepted from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting or filled by the Board at a later date. The slate will be provided with the minutes. Anyone wishing to obtain an absentee ballot should contact Jennifer Outlaw at 317.327.3243 or The absentee ballots must be received no later than 3 days prior to the conference.


Greg reports that the Technology Committee met with Matt Taylor today. He reports that the "Member’s Only" section will be available in July, 2003. In the near future, members will be able to post job leads from their department and also pay conference and membership fees online. The next Technology Committee meeting will be held on September 10, 2003, at 10 a.m.


No report.

Old Business:

Greg inquired about the scholarship money. Susan states that she has the check and that she will provide it to Greg. Greg states that the scholarship money will not be placed in a separate account, but that it will be earmarked for the purpose of the scholarship.

New Business:

Greg motions that the Board authorize the Treasurer to contract with PayPal for credit card transactions via the POPAI website. Bill seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried. Lori reports that July 13-19, 2003, has been designated at Probation, Parole and Community Supervision Officer’s Week. APPA has a lot of useful information available on their website ( to assist departments in publicizing this recognition week. She noted that it would be nice to put something about the recognition week on the POPAI website. Eric discusses questions he has received regarding implementation of the salary schedule. The topic of longevity in relationship of part-time employees was brought up. Discussion followed. At this time, the Board will leave this as a local issue.

Bill moved to close the meeting. Cherie seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 11 a.m. at the City-County Building, Indianapolis.
