Executive Board Meeting


June 13, 2002



Call to Order:


Eric opened the meeting at  11:00 am .








Eric Zimmerman


Susan Rice

Vice President

Gwyn Green


Greg Werich


Lori White


William Wakeland

District 1

Tim McAlhany

District 2

Andrew Holland

District 3

Mike Small

District 4

Melody Sears

District 5

Laird Thompson

District 6

Allison Juliot

District 7

K. Allan Henson

District 8

Ted Ward

Past President

Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board




Secretary's Report:


Bill moved to accept the May minutes, Tim seconded, all were in favor. No discussion.


Treasurer's Report:


Greg passed out the treasurer's report. He said that the depreciation for the merchandise still hadn't been completed. The savings account balance is $12,535.71 and checking is $6,606.46. Susan moved to accept report, Mike seconded. No discussion.




Eric gave Lori the go ahead to order the 15 year member plaques. Eric suggested opening up membership to Criminal Justice students (as non-voting/"contributing" members). A discussion was held. There were no objections subject to further review of the bylaws.




Tim passed out hanouts of estimated expenses for the conference. The organization needs 268 registrants to break even if we don't get any corporate sponsors for events.  All of the speakers have confirmed except the BMV. He stated they are just going to send handouts. They are in the process of collecting door prizes. REMINDER!! REGISTRATION FOR THE FALL CONFERENCE MUST BE IN BY July 19. WE ENCOURAGE EARLY REGISTRATION AND HIGHLY SUGGEST ALL TO STAY FOR THE LAST SESSION ON FRIDAY!


Awards and Recognition:




Corporate Membership:






Eric and Susan attended the Judges Committee Meeting after the Annual Meeting on 5/10/02.  A new salary schedule was discussed.  They informed the Committee that our priority is to build a longevity plan into the schedule and the biggest impact will be the fiscal impact of the schedule. In the discussion they discussed increasing PUF's, creating a systematic way of implementing raises, the point that Chief's should be making more than line officers.  They also were pushing issues related to becoming state employees because it looks like it is an inevitable change forthcoming. They discussed and tried to resolve some of the concerns like, retirement & vacation time before everything takes place. Eric will be attending a Board of Judges meeting on 6/14/02, which is the last meeting of the year, because the committee is presenting the new salary schedule.  POPAI will be presenting it's stance on the new schedule. POPAI's stance will be that we accept the salary schedule ONLY if wording is changed to read "state JUDICIAL employees". The board would further recommend to the probation committee that the 3% average increase be applied to the years 2003 & 2004 as well, that this new schedule not circumvent the old schedule but serve as an addendum to the old. (We don't want any freezes or cuts of salary). Also that Chief's and Management teams should be the highest paid officers/employees in each department.  Andy and Tim jointly moved to accept that recommendation, Laird seconded, all were in favor.




REMINDER that the deadline to submit intentions to run for offices is due by June 24th.  Eric gave his verbal intent to run for President again and Tim gave his verbal intent to run for his district again.  Laird and Mike have submitted written intents. We have received one intent to run for the office of Secretary, Gwyn is not running again.










Old Business:


There were some responses to Eric's memo on the Street Survival Training. If anyone is still interested, POPAI may still be able to make arrangements for a discount at other locations.


New Business:


Susan attended "Thinking for a Change" Training Seminar which was given by the  and paid for by the NIC which was a training for Probation Officers to learn how to facilitate programs for probationers.  She is interested in POPAI sponsoring some more of these training sessions. She indicated that the only expense would be for the facility. Tim and Susan will be collecting information to possibly pursue this.  If anyone is interested in attending or helping with this, please contact Susan Rice.  Lori wanted to remind everyone that July 14- July 20th is National Probation, Parole & Community Supervison Officer's Week. She has worked with APPA to develop some posters and other information. If you are interested in any of them, please contact Lori White at 317-327-3056 or at llwhite@indygov.org.