Executive Board Meeting

June 13, 2001

Call to Order:

Eric opened the meeting at 11:00 am.






Eric Zimmerman



Wes Wonderlin

Vice President


Gwyn Green



Greg Werich



Lori White



William Wakeland

District 1


Tim McAlhany

District 2


Susan Rice

District 3


Mike Small

District 4


Paul McGriff

District 5


Scott Dawson

District 6


Allison Juliot

District 7


K. Allan Henson

District 8


Ted Ward

Past President


Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board


Secretary's Report:

The board was presented with the minutes that Paul took for Gwyn at the last meeting.  Lori asked that the membership number be changed from 999 to 995. Eric wanted to reiterate that the name of the Scholarship Committee had been changed to Awards and Recognition.  Allison motioned to accept May's minutes,  William seconded, all were in favor, motion carries. The May minutes will be sent out with the June minutes.

Treasurer's Report:

Greg presented this month's report and it showed a savings balance of $22,163.41, checking balance of $3,503.78. He has begun to add other assets as we aquire them, ie: Lori's printer and all the merchandise.  With those included, our total assets were $29,689.93. He also printed out a conference summary report for the year showing the income produced from conferences at $2,595.00 and expenses of $4,218.22. This shows a loss of $1,623.22.  Greg reported that he went ahead and paid the P.O. Box bill for the whole year instead of semi-annually.  Greg advised the board that we should start thinking about the budget for next year.  Eric suggested making up a committee after the fall conference so we will have our new board members present.  He also stated that the Treasurer will chair the committee. William motioned to accept the June treasurer's report, Ted seconded, all were in favor, motion carries. Contact your district representative for copies of the treasurer's report.


Lori reported that the number of paid new or renewed members is 608. The district representatives were given a list of people that were members last year that haven't paid this year. So far this year, $14,440.00 has been taking in from membership. This number and the paid new or renewed members is accurate in the data base but there are still glitches in some of the other reports. She will continue to work on that. One more corporate membership was received, Youth Services Bureau of Jay Co.  Lori reported she bought the new printer and it is working perfectly. She also instructed the district representatives to let her know if female members in their districts get married and what their new name is. As of right now, the data base wouldn't recognize them for their years of membership if they are in there under two different names.


Allan reports that all is going well with the conference.  All speakers and sessions are confirmed. Mark Summers from Immigration will be our keynote speaker. Wes informed Allan that he will need a room for the Euchre Tournament.  Discussion was had about when to schedule the CPO roundtable. It was decided to have it Thursday morning. Discussion was had and agreed upon that all speakers should wear portable microphones this year.  All of the meals will be in the Grande Collonade Room. We will have a business meeting and election at the lunch. There will be a golf tournament, bowling tournament, euchre tournament and possibly an evening of karaoke.  Ted suggested putting out a call for speakers for next year's conference. It was suggested that Tim put it in the flyers that he sends out informing people that next year's conference is moving north. Discussion was had about favors and prizes. Susan has secured round trip airfare for two, good for any destination in the continental US to which ATA flies as the Grand Prize this year. Scott motioned to give Susan a $1000.00 allocation for favors/prizes. Allan seconded, all were in favor, motion carries.

Awards and Recognition:

The board received a thank you note from Lisa Swedarsky, the scholarship recipient.  The money will be dispersed to her in the fall.  Founder's Award nomination paperwork was sent out. Anyone wishing to nominate a person for the award should contact Paul McGriff at Hamilton Co. Probation.  The nominee does not have to be a probation officer.

Corporate Membership:

Susan reported that we now have 23 corporate members.


Eric suggested that we start talking about the agenda for 2002 in the next few meetings.  He suggested that we try to contact our local legislators to push for probation issues.


Eric received the official written resignation from Bev Bliton from her position as Dist. 4 representative.  Allan motioned to accept the resignation, Susan seconded, all were in favor, motion carries.  Eric noted that Mike Small had shown an interest  in the position.  Susan had talked to him as well.  Allison motioned to nominate Mike Small as Dist. 4 Representative. Susan seconded, all were in favor, motion carries.   Allan sent out nomination applications for the positions available on the board. He hopes to have all those back soon so he can get the slate typed up and sent out with nominees names and the by-law change proposal.  The voting will take place at the fall conference.


Ted reported that he has done some more work on the website. Some job openings have been sent in and Corporate Membership is updated.  Eric asked how can we maintain an active website and if it would be better if we let a company take over the upkeep on it.  It was asked that the technology committee come back next month with a recommendation of what the board should do to make the website a useful tool for the profession. Counties are encouraged to go to the website, www.gopopai.org to post job openings in their counties.


Gwyn handed out an inventory of what items we have left.  She spent $65.00 on shipping of all the merchandise from the annual meeting. Greg motioned to allocate $65.00 to Gwyn for reimbursement for postage, Allan seconded, all in favor, motion carries. Discussion was had about how much of the merchandise should be taken to the fall conference.  Gwyn will try to get all of the merchandise to the fall conference.

Old Business:

Allison handed out the new board member packets. A few people still haven't gotten their job descriptions to her to complete it.   It was discussed that proposed by-law changes need to be sent out one month prior to the vote.  Allan will send it out with the slates.  The slates will instruct members to call Allan for absentee ballots if they are needed.

New Business:

Ted brought up the issue of honorary and lifetime members. Eric asked that it be tabled for the next meeting. Scott motioned to close the meeting. William seconded, all were in favor. Next meeting is Wed. July 11, 2001, at 11:00 am.