Executive Board Meeting


July 10, 2002



Call to Order:


Eric opened the meeting at  11:00 am .








Eric Zimmerman


Susan Rice

Vice President

Gwyn Green


Greg Werich


Lori White


William Wakeland

District 1

Tim McAlhany

District 2

Andrew Holland

District 3

Mike Small

District 4

Melody Sears

District 5

Laird Thompson

District 6

Allison Juliot

District 7

K. Allan Henson

District 8

Ted Ward

Past President

Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board




Secretary's Report:


Greg motioned to accept June's minutes with one correction; that Fred Martin was in attendance.  Seconded by Mike. All in favor, motion passed.


Treasurer's Report:


Greg reported no bills on his desk at the time of the report. He stated the balance of checking account as $7,488.05 and savings as $12,535.71.  Allison motioned to accept report, Tim seconded, all in favor. Motion passed.




Lori reported that the plaques have been ordered for the 15 year members, and certificates are designed for both 15 and 10 year members. Attached to the unaproved minutes will be the most current list of those who will receive 10 & 15 year recognition at this year's conference. Lori reports that members are reading the minutes of the board meetings which is evident from the positive and negative feedback she is receiving.




Tim reported 159 registrants for the conference to date.  Discussion on door prize distribution was had. POPAI received a generous donation from WalMart. Apeakers are confirmed.  Audio Visual equipment is expensive, so most speakers are being asked to bring their own, if possible.  Tim attempted to initiate a discussion on next year's conference location, but the matter was tabled to a future meeting.  Tim wished to note that the Room Block by the hotels for the confernce would end on July 15th.  Allison stated she would be making up another survey this year for attendees to fill out.  It was suggested that the big prize be given out on Friday to keep people there. 


Awards and Recognition:


Allison reported on the committee's Founder's Award Finalist.  She also moved that their selection be approved, seconded by Greg.  Discussion was had on the nominee's merits for the award and the board unanimously approved the nominee for the award.  The award will be given at the POPAI Conference.  Allison also announced that the 10 & 15 year members recognition awards would be given at the opening session of the Conference.


Corporate Membership:






Susan and Eric attended the Judges board meeting on June 14th to participate in the discussion on the proposed Probation Officer revised salary schedule. The concerns noted at the June POPAI Board meeting were addressed positvely by the judges.  The matter will be heard at a public meeting on August 16, 2002, at 10;30 am, in the Indiana Supreme Court. Eric is attempting to obtain a copy of the official document to tbe discussed at this meeting, and will distribute it among Chief Probation Officers in Indiana for disemmenation to probation officers in their office. Eric encourages feedback from the membership on this document prior to the meeting so he can prepare a POPAI response. 




The election board encourages any member who will not be attending the conference to contact either Melody Sears or Bill Wakeland for an absentee ballot. These ballots must be received by the board at least three days prior to the conference. 




Bill stated he is almost done scanning all the archived documents. He needs information on the last few conferences if any one has old registration forms.  He will bring information to the conference for all to look at. 




Lori reported that there will be a vendor catalog available at conference for merchandise orders. She stated that POPAI may be able to receive 10% of the sales. More details will be provided at the conference.


Old Business:




New Business:


There will be a membership coordinator evaluation committee meeting at the conference.  The committee includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,  and Melody. There will not be a board meeting at the conference due to the conflicting Judges meeting.