Executive Board Meeting
December 10, 2003

Call to Order:

Eric Zimmerman opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m.


Name Position Present Absent
Eric Zimmerman President x
Susan Rice Vice President x
Jennifer Outlaw Secretary x
Madonna Roach Treasurer x
Lori White Membership x
William Wakeland District 1 x
Tim McAlhany District 2 x
Don Travis District 3 x
Mike Small District 4 x
Rebecca Schrock District 5 x
Laird Thompson District 6 x
Linda Brady District 7 x
CherieWood District 8 x
N/A Past President
Fred Martin Prob. Adv. Board x

Secretary’s Report:

Jennifer provides copies of the November minutes. Don moved to accept the November minutes as typed. Bill seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Madonna passed out the Treasurer’s Report. The report reflects the balance of the checking account as $7,684.07 and savings as $22,401.07. Total assets at this time are $30,365.93. Madonna provides copies of the revised proposed 2004 POPAI Budget. Discussion followed. Don moved to approve the 2004 POPAI Budget as submitted. Tim seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.


No report.


Tim provides a written recommendation for the Training and Conference Planner position. The Board was provided with a recommendation from the Search Committee for Susan Rice to fill this position. Discussion followed. Laird moved to accept the committee’s recommendation. Bill seconds, all were in favor (Susan abstained from voting). All were in favor. Tim provided the Board with a proposed salary recommendation for compensation for this position. Don motions to approve the proposed salary as presented ($10 per registered conference attendee, $75 monthly stipend (for ongoing expenses), and mileage reimbursement at the rate of $0.36 per mile). Bill seconded, all were in favor (Susan abstained from voting). Motion carried. Tim will provide this information to Eric. Eric will be asked to draft a contract to present to Susan in January 2004.

Awards and Recognition:

Laird discusses the scholarship and how the Board will handle it in 2004. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of increasing the amount and/or number of scholarships awarded by POPAI. Discussion was tabled until the next meeting. Applications for the Donald “Charley” Knepple Scholarship will be available in February 2004.

Corporate Membership:

Susan reports that she has an updated list of all active Corporate Members to use to update the list on the website. Susan proposes that we provide the monthly minutes to the Corporate Members that would like to receive them. The Board agreed.


Tim reports that he spoke with Senator Bud Meeks a couple of weeks ago. A meeting with be scheduled with him in the near future to discuss legislative updates.


No report.


Bill reports that the Technology Committee met via teleconference with Matt Taylor on Friday, December 5, 2003, to discuss the updating and future of the POPAI website. Bill discusses the changes that have been made since that time. Changes includes the addition of a calendar of events, online membership registration and payment options, award/scholarship information and recipients, biographical information of the Board Executives and District Representatives, job descriptions of the Board, committees, bylaws, nomination information, and ability to submit news items to be posted on the website. Bill moves that Matt be permitted to purchase the software to be used for the “Members Only” section. Cherie seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried. We would like to encourage membership to check out our updated website at Submit any comments or suggestions via the news item online form or contact your District Representative. Discussion followed regarding other suggestions to increase the value of the website to our organization.

Old Business:

Don discusses the bylaws. There are several updates to be made upon approval from the Board. Upon approval, the updated bylaws will be added to the website. The committee will also look at the bylaws and will make any suggestions as to other needed changes. Discussion followed. Susan reports that the Chief’s Executive Committee meeting will be held on Friday, December 12, 2003, in Johnson County (18 W. Jefferson, North Annex, Franklin, Indiana).

New Business:

Susan was sad to report that Mary Stutler, Juvenile Placement Coordinator and POPAI member, was killed in a car accident on November 16, 2003. Shannon G. Schmaltz, Ripley County Chief Probation Officer submitted the following: “Mary had been a staff member of the Ripley County Probation Department since April 23, 2001. Her compassion and desire to help others will be dearly missed by all. Many lives were enriched by Mary with her sincere concern to help others. Mary is survived by her husband Jerry, daughter Jaime, and son Michael. Mary was born June 9, 1959. The Ripley County Probation Department is grateful for the concern and support shown by the various departments and agencies. Mary’s memorial was to the Dearborn County YES Home.” POPAI would like to extend our condolences to her family, friends and co-workers.

Laird moved close the meeting. Bill seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 14, 2003, @ 11 a.m. at the City-County Building, Room T224, Indianapolis, Indiana.
