Executive Board Meeting

April 14, 2004

Call to Order:

Madonna opened the meeting at 11:15 a.m.


Name Position Present Absent
Eric Zimmerman President x
Richard Pfifer Vice President x
Jennifer Outlaw Secretary x
Madonna Roach Treasurer x
Lori White Membership x
William Wakeland District 1 x
Tim McAlhany District 2 x
District 3
Mike Small District 4 x
Rebecca Schrock District 5 x
Laird Thompson District 6 x
Linda Brady District 7 x
CherieWood District 8 x
N/A Past President
Fred Martin Prob. Adv. Board x
Susan Rice Trg./Conf. Planner x

Madonna welcomed Richard. Cherie passed out the contact sheet for changes and additions.

Secretary’s Report:

Cherie provided copies of the minutes. Bill moved to accept the March minutes. Don seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Madonna passed out the Treasurer's Report through 04.13.2004. The report reflects a balance of the checking account as $6,198.49 and savings as $22,427.32. Total assets at this time are $27,194.80. She reports that she still needs to add Susan (the Conference Planner) to the expenses. Additionally, she notes that not all expenses have been paid for the Chief's Summit. Time moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Becky seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried. Becky asked about categorizing dues.


Bill reports that he spoke to Lori who is requesting to not send out membership cards with new memberships or renewals. Becky suggested making it a "poll question" on the website. Discussion followed. Membership is encouraged to contact their District Representative if they have strong opinion regarding receiving a membership card in the future. A discussion followed regarding purchasing POPAI binders. Some new Probation Officers may be receiving numerous binders (handed down through their Department and then from POPAI). Discussion was held regarding the membership substitution rule for new POPAI members.


Susan provided copies of the 2004 New Chief Probation Officer Orientation and Chief Summit report. She reports we had 23 attendees at the orientation, 72 probation officers at the summit, and 21 corporate attendees at the summit. Total income for the orientation and summit was $6,600.00. With expenses paid, we had a balance of $873.77 after the conference. Susan requested reimbursement for parking. Bill made a motion to pay for Susan's parking. Laird seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried. Susan provided copies of an overall evaluation of the Chief Probation Officer Orientation. Discussion followed about the maximum number of attendees for the Chief's Orientation. The Board felt 30 for the orientation should be the maximum number. Susan passed out the 2004 Fall Conference options. Discussion followed regarding how much to pay a keynote speaker. The Board agreed that Susan will put together a proposal for the conference so the Board can approve. Discussion followed regarding options for the 2005 conference.

Awards and Recognition:

Becky reports there were eight applications for the Knepple Scholarship. The Award Committee interviewed 5 Probation Officers today and recommended a candidate to the Board. The scholarship award will be paid by check directly to the recipient. Discussion followed about not conducting interviews in person and changing the application to include more information. Becky moved to accept the Award Committee's recommendation. Laird seconded. Discussion followed regarding the candidate and candidate's background. All were in favor, motion carried.

Corporate Membership:

Tim stated there was a lot of positive feedback from the Corporate Members about the Chief's Summit.


Tim reports that Senator Bud Meeks passed away and that POPAI sent flowers. The decision of who will replace Senator Meeks will be this evening.


Madonna welcomed Richard. Two people have expressed interest in the District 4 Representative position. Eric Zimmerman will follow up with this situation.


Bill reports that the poll question results will be changed to percentages instead of number of votes. Bill tried to submit a news article and said the problems have now been fixed. Discussion followed regarding how often the article needs to be changed. Discussion followed as to whether the job posting section of the website should be "members only." There have been some issues regarding the "passwords." Bill will have further discussion with Matt regarding these problems. Bill will check with Lori about her availability during the May Conference for questions from membership regarding membership status and if they should have a password for the POPAI website.

Old Business:

Don discussed the by-laws and agreed to make a change for under the Secretary’s duties. It will reflect there is a membership coordinator to track membership. The changes will be submitted for voting at the Fall Conference. Any question regarding the by-laws need to be brought up at the next meeting.

New Business:

Don discussed the “Resource Center” possibility and that those who have been contacted have shown great interest.

Don moved to close the meeting. Cherie seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2004, at 12 noon (meet at the PO Annual Meeting Registration Desk at the Indiana Convention Center.)
